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Need translation for your documents? Interpretation, subtitles, or others? Thao & Co. got you covered. Click on the left to get your documents translated and certified/notarized. For other types of translations and language services, click on the right.
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Certified + Notarized
Translation Services
Certified and Notarized Translation Services at Thao & Co.
It will only take you 2 minutes!
Translation Services
Thao & Co. Translation Service Quote
It will only take you 2 minutes!
I need to:
(You may choose several options. We ask you to provide the following information in order to determine which service(s) you need and the most efficient workflow for your project. Your data is stored in our secured system. We will not use your data for unsolicited emails or any other marketing purposes.)

I want:
(You can choose one option.)
My document is:
(Please select the type of document(s) you have. You can choose one option.)
My document is:
(Please select the type of document(s) you have.You may choose several options.)
My document is:
(Please select the language your document is written in and the language you need translation into. Upload your file(s).)
Upload file(s):
Upload your file(s) for translation. Once you click on “Upload file(s)”, please select the file(s) you need translated all at once. You may select up to 5 files, each not exceeding 5MB in size. We will get back to you soon!

Enter your contact information:
(Note: *Please fill out this field.)
Note: *required
Payment method:
Contact me via:
(You may choose several options.)
I want to receive the Certified/Notarized translation via:
(You may choose several options.)
End of order request:
(Please make sure all the information you provided is correct. Depending on your purposes and the organizations to which you intend to submit your documents, your translation may need to be certified or notarized by different associations or government agencies. It is best that you know which types of stamps you need for your documents. Let us know if you are not certain. We are happy to walk you through the process.)
All Done!
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Thao & Co. Processing
Thank you for placing the order with us.
We will get back to you ASAP! In the meantime, click the link below to explore our insights on the role of languages across industries.
I need:
(Please select the specific service you need. You may choose one option. If you are not certain, pick what you think is the most relevant to your needs. Our consultant will get back to you and help you decide on the right service.)
I need:
(Please select the added service(s) you would also require. If you are not certain, pick what you think is the most relevant to your needs. Our consultant will get back to you and help you decide on the right service.)
My document(s) needs:
(Please choose the language your document(s) is written in and the language you need translation into.)
Choose languages:

I need translation services for the following document(s):
(Please upload your file(s). Your documents are stored in our secured system and will only be used for the translation services you request from us.)
What would you like to translate?
Upload your file(s) for translation. Once you click on “Upload file(s)”, please select the file(s) you need translated all at once. You may select up to 5 files, each not exceeding 5MB in size. We will get back to you soon!

My document(s) is about:
(Please select the genre/category your document(s) may fall into. If you are uncertain, pick what you think is the most relevant. You may choose several options)
Select content type:
My document(s) need:
(Would you prefer the translation to have a casual or formal tone? What are the purpose and target audience of your document(s)? Are there any materials you think we should reference to when translating your documents(s)? Please let us know if you have any instructions or requirements.)
Note for the Linguists:
My contact information is:
(Please leave your contact information and choose your preferred payment method. You will not be charged in this step. We use this information to process your order and provide you a free quote. You will only need to make payment once you have reviewed the quote and decided to proceed with us.)
Note: *required
Payment method:
Don’t see options you need?
Order Confirmation:
(Please make sure all the information you provided is correct. Depending on the characteristics of your documents, such as type of content, purposes, and target audience, you may need different translation services and additional assistance. Let us know if you are not certain. We are happy to walk you through the process.)
All Done!
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Thank you for placing the order with us.
We will get back to you ASAP! In the meantime, click the link below to explore our insights on the role of languages across industries.