What is the consular legalization validity period?

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Consular authentication or legalization is the process where relevant authorities verify the authenticity of seals, signatures, and official positions on documents intended for use in another country.

So, what is the consular legalization validity period? Do you need to repeat the procedure once the consular seal expires?

When is consular authentication required?

Consular authentication is required in the following situations:

  1. • For Vietnamese documents: When these documents need to be used in a foreign country, consular authentication is a must.
  2. • For foreign documents: If you have documents issued abroad that you need to use in Vietnam, they must go through consular authentication to be legally valid.

Currently, consular authentication is often needed when you’re dealing with administrative procedures related to:

  1. • Study abroad
  2. • Apply for scholarships
  3. • Seek employment overseas
  4. • Obtain a work permit
  5. • Apply for a long-term visa
  6. • Complete adoption procedures
  7. • Etc.

Some types of documents that require consular legalization include:

  1.  • Identification documents: Driving license, birth certificate, ID card
  2.  • Diploma, certificate, academic transcript
  3.  • Business paperwork: Business registration license, certificate of intellectual property, quality certificate, etc.
  4.  • And many more.

Discover where to get consular legalization in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

How long is the consular legalization seal valid?

Consular Legalization Validity - Thao & Co.

Vietnamese laws don’t specify a set expiration date for legalized documents.

The actual validity period can vary depending on the type of document, the legal regulations in the host country, and the requirements of the relevant receiving authority.

Below are the general validity periods for consular legalization of some common documents:

  1.  • Foreign documents: Typically, consular legalization for foreign documents is valid for up to 3 months. After that, you’ll need to repeat the process if you need to submit the documents to the relevant authorities.
  2.  •  Identification documents: The validity of consular legalization usually depends on the type of document:
  3.  • Driving license: Valid for 5 to 10 years, depending on the type of license.
  4.  • ID card: Validity is tied to the card’s expiration, which occurs at ages 25, 40, and 60.
  5.  • Passport: Valid for 10 years from the date of issuance.
  6.  • Business documents: These generally follow the validity terms specified in contracts or other agreements related to commercial transactions.
  7.  • Other documents: Diplomas, certificates, and similar documents follow specific provisions based on their type.

Where to check the consular legalization validity?

Each type of document will have its own validity period for consular legalization. The validity period for consular legalization typically aligns with the expiration date of the respective document.

To find out how long your document’s legalization seal is valid, check the expiration date on the document itself.

Here’s where you can usually find this information:

  1.  • ID card: Bottom left on the front side.
  2.  • Passport: On the first information page.
  3.  • Driver’s license: Bottom left on the front side.

Fast and Reliable Consular Legalization Services in Vietnam

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Looking for a trusted partner to handle your consular legalization needs?

Thao & Co. is a leading provider of reliable and efficient consular legalization services in Vietnam. We’ve helped thousands of clients successfully navigate this complex process.

Choose Thao & Co.’s translation and notary services for a variety of benefits:

  1. Expert legal consultations: Our experienced consultants offer professional and accurate advice on legal regulations, ensuring you’re always on the right track.
  1. Comprehensive language coverage: With translations available in over 50 languages, we meet the strictest quality standards to serve a global clientele.
  1. Skilled linguists: Our team consists of seasoned translators and legal experts with years of experience, guaranteeing top-notch translation quality.
  1. Efficient workflow: We are dedicated to completing all required procedures swiftly and accurately, so you can move forward without delay.
  1. Transparent pricing: Benefit from our competitive rates with no hidden fees.
  1. Utmost confidentiality: We prioritize your privacy, safeguarding all client information and documents with stringent security measures.
  1. Real-time updates: Manage file exchanges and track your project seamlessly through Thao & Co.’s proprietary platform, designed for secure and convenient use.

Need consular legalization to finalize your legal dossiers?

Please contact Thao & Co. via our Get a Quote form. Our consultants will respond promptly to provide you with personalized support!

Source: Thao & Company
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