Does Google Pass the Grammar Translation Test? – Expert’s Opinion

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Translation is a powerful tool for eliminating language barriers. Proper grammar translation is key to accuracy and professionalism in communication.

It ensures readers of the target language fully grasp the original message and helps avoid misunderstandings.

What is proper grammar translation?

A grammatically accurate translation must meet the following criteria:

  1.  ✅ Correct use of word classes (nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs) in the target language
  2.  ✅ Correct sentence structure and word order
  3.  ✅ Correct verb conjugation depending on the context of the original message
  4.  ✅ Correct use of quantifiers
  5.  ✅ Correct spelling and tone
  6.  ✅ The original message is communicated accurately and clearly

The only way to achieve proper grammar in translation is by studying and practicing. Broadening your vocabulary, refining your grammar, and reading contents of various styles is the way to improve your overall translation skills.

Are translations done by Google grammatically correct?

Grammar Translation-Thaonco

Google Translate is currently one of the most popular translation tools, thanks to its fast translation speed and multiple language support.

But does it pass the proper grammar translation test? Some case studies have pointed out that Google Translate’s accuracy depends on several factors:

  1. The source and target language: Translation of common languages such as English or Spanish, etc. can be up to 90% accurate. However, the level of accuracy is not very high for less common or complex languages, such as Vietnamese.
  2. Content: Translation for heavy-text and specialized content, slang, idiomatic expressions, etc. is not very reliable compared to simple content.
  3. Register: Google Translate may struggle to adapt translation to specific contexts and purposes.

Overall: The translation quality of Google Translate is acceptable if you want to know the general meaning of the original text.

However, translations done by this tool need to be edited to ensure complete accuracy in terms of grammar and meaning.

Free apps for proper grammar translation

Here are some useful tools to help you make sure your translation is grammatically correct:


Grammar Translation-Thaonco

This is a very popular English grammar checker tool. Grammarly helps users spot grammar and spelling mistakes and improve their writing skills.

Key features:

  1. ● Grammar and spelling check
  2. ● Looking up and saving vocabulary
  3. ● Readability scores
  4. ● AI edit suggestions
  5. ● Supports multiple browsers and operating systems


Grammar Translation-Thaonco

This is a grammar and spelling checker tool for English text. If an error is spotted, Ginger will suggest the most suitable edit for the original text.

Key features:

  1. ● Verb and adverb conjugation check
  2. ● Grammar check
  3. ● Switching between British English and American English
  4. ● Available across multiple tools and devices: website, mobile app, Microsoft Word, and browser add-on.

How to use proper grammar in translation? – Expert’s tips

Grammar Translation-Thaonco

A good translation not only preserves the meaning of the source text but also adapts to the target language so that the message is clearly and accurately communicated.

Here is a step-by-step guide to ensure good translation quality:

  1. Step 1: Read and understand the source text. Read through the source text before translating to understand the general content.
  2. Step 2: Take note of complex words and phrases. Give extra attention to idiomatic expressions and slang. Adapt these elements to the context instead of translating them literally.
  3. Step 3: Reorganize structures. Different languages have different sentence structures and word order. Translators need to break down sentences to grasp the meaning and rewrite them properly in the target language.
  4. Step 4: Retain the style and register. Besides proper grammar in translation, translators also need to maintain the style and register of the source text.
  5. Step 5: Edit and proofread. The last step is to ensure the translation is error-free and appropriate for the target culture.


In general, Google Translate is helpful when you need quick translation of simple content. However, it cannot guarantee grammatically correct and natural translations.

Translation Services - Thao & Co.

Hence, to receive completely accurate translations for your content, it is best to partner with professional translators. Thao & Co. translation company can help you with that!

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For a detailed service consultation with Thao & Co., leave your project information on our Get a Quote page. Our consultant will reach out within 24 hours to assist.

Source: Thao & Company
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