How to Fill out Vietnam’s Application Form of Consular Legalization – Download the Latest Form

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The application form of consular legalization is a mandatory document when applying for consular authentication in Vietnam. Given its legal significance, applicants must be extra careful when filling out this form.

In this article, Thao & Co. provides a detailed guide on completing the Vietnam application form for consular legalization to help you navigate the process.

Introduction to the Vietnam application form of consular legalization

Consular legalization is the process of verifying the signature, the title of the signing officer, and the
seal on foreign documents to ensure their legal validity in another country.

When seeking consular legalization in Vietnam, it is crucial to prepare all the necessary documents, especially the application form of consular legalization. The Vietnam’s application form for consular legalization requires the following details:

  1. The document(s) requiring consular legalization: name and type of document, reference number, name of the holder, date and place of issuance, title of the signing officer, and the total of documents submitted.
  2. The applicant: Full name, national ID number/passport number, contact address, intended use for the documents requiring legalization, etc.

How to complete the Vietnam application form of consular legalization online

In order to streamline the process, you can complete the application form of consular legalization online, then print it out and submit your documents in person or through courier to the authorized agency.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to fill out the form online:

Step 1: Access the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam ( The link will lead you to the online application form. Click on the UK flag to see the English version.

Step 2: Provide information of the document(s) requiring consular legalization:

  1. + Name of documents: Click on the arrow to select the name of your document.
  2. + Type of documents: Click on the arrow to select whether your document is the original, a copy, a translation, or an excerpt (Trich Luc).
Consular Legalization Online Form - Pt1 - Thao & Co.

If you request consular legalization for multiple documents: First, fill out the document information (section 1a) and click on the green arrow below to add them to the list of documents (section 1b).

Then, you can click on “copy” and then “edit” the next document.

  1. + Total of documents: Specify the number of copies that require consular legalization. The fee is approximately 10 USD per stamp.
  2. + Reference number of document /Number sign of document: Provide the reference number if your document is the original copy. If there is no reference number, enter 01. Or provide the verification number on the certification stamp if your document is a duplicate.
  3. + Holder of document: Name of the organization or individual that holds the document.
  4. + Authentication office: The name of the agency that issued your document or certified the copy of the original document, which can be found above the signature or on the seal on your document.
  5. + Name of signer: Full name of the officer who signed your document.
  6. + Title of signer: Refer to your document for the title of the signing officer.
  7. + Signed date: Typically located in the lower right corner on the last page of the document.

Step 3: After filling out the information, click on the green arrow to add your document to the list of documents.

Step 4: Fill out the information of the applicant, including your full name, contact address, national ID or passport number, the country where the document(s) has/have to be used, the purpose of use, declaration place, and application place.

Consular Legalization Online Form - Pt2 - Thao & Co.

Step 5: Enter the security code and tick the box next to “I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge at belief, the statements provided here are true and correct. I am fully liable for the authenticity of the dossier.

Step 6: Double-check and click “Complete” to submit the form or “Reset” to redo the form.

Download the latest application form of consular legalization in Vietnam

Here is the latest form LS/HPH-2012/TK for Vietnam consular legalization:

Online application form of consular legalization:

Paper application form of consular legalization:

Where to submit my application form?

Once you have completed the online form and clicked “Complete,” the filled form will be available for download.

You just need to download and print it out, then submit it along with the other documents in person or via courier to a diplomatic mission (Consular/Embassy) or a government agency authorized to carry out consular certification and legalization.

If you are currently residing in Vietnam, you can submit your application form of consular legalization at one of the following addresses:

  1. Department of External Relations of Ho Chi Minh City (Ministry of Foreign Affairs): 184 bis Pasteur Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
  2. Other external relations agencies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in your locality (Learn more at

Important considerations when filling out the application form of consular legalization in Vietnam

Application Form for Consular Legalization in Vietnam - Thao & Co.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when filling out the form to ensure a seamless application process:

  1. • Ensure that sections are filled out completely, provide consistent information, and review the form before submitting.
  2. • Carefully check your contact address, as the authorities will contact you via this address to announce the results or for further verifications.
  3. • Use only one language when filling out the form.
  4. • Write down your “application number” and “verification code” or choose to receive them via email for future use.

The benefits of consular legalization services

Consular legalization is a crucial step to ensure that your documents are legally valid in another country. However, this process can be quite challenging, especially for first-timers.

If you are unfamiliar with the consular legalization process and requirements in Vietnam, consider entrusting your documents to a professional service provider to secure your peace of mind.

It is important to keep in mind that both the application form and the documents in your dossier need to be translated into the language specified by the destination country. Therefore, partnering with a translation agency that provides consular legalization as a supporting service is highly recommended.

Struggling to navigate through foreign administrative procedures? Let Thao & Co. translation company help you handle the tedious task. Don’t miss out on the benefits of our translation and consular legalization service package:

  1. • Speedy delivery, with a 72-hour turnaround time for standard documents.
  2. • Translations done by seasoned linguists specializing in legal translation.
  3. • Accurate translation with a consular authentication stamp to ensure its legal validity.
  4. Competitive pricing for notarized translation and consular legalization services, with transparent quotation.
  5. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to safeguard your data.
  6. • Access to Thao & Co.’s proprietary platform for convenient progress tracking and file management.

We hope that you find this guide useful for your consular legalization application. For more details on translation and consular legalization services at Thao & Co., leave your information on our Get a Quote page. Our consultant will reach out to help you find the best solution for your language needs.

Source: Thao & Company
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