What is Verbatim Transcription? Types, Benefits, and Examples

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The demand for verbatim transcription services is currently booming across many sectors. Check out this article by Thao & Co. to learn more about this form of transcription.

What is verbatim transcription?

Verbatim transcription involves the exact documentation of information from audio or video sources. With this form of transcription, all details are thoroughly captured.

A verbatim transcript includes:

  1. • Every spoken word
  2. • Stutters
  3. • Fillers
  4. • Dialects
  5. • Pauses
  6. • etc.

For transcripts that accurately reflect the entirety of your audio or video content, this form of transcription is probably what you need.

Common types of verbatim transcription

Depending on the content’s purpose, different types of transcription are applied. The most common types are:

  1. • Transcription only: This provides a basic transcript of your audio file without any further requests.
  2. • Transcription with timestamp: Timestamps are placed alongside transcribed content, including speaker identification (if there are multiple speakers).
  3. • Transcription and translation: The final transcript will be translated into the requested language.

The advantages of verbatim transcription

Verbatim Transcription - Thao & Co.

Verbatim transcription is a valuable tool across various industries thanks to these benefits:

  1. • Preserves emotional elements: Occasionally, the emotions expressed by a speaker can carry underlying messages that are important to discern.
  2. • Ensures complete accuracy: This form of transcription guarantees the absolute accuracy of final transcripts, particularly for legal proceedings and interrogations.
  3. • Upholds transparency in legal procedures: Accurate transcription is crucial in legal contexts, such as investigations, prosecutions, and interrogations, to maintain the precision of the documented information.
  4. • Gathers qualitative data: This form of transcription allows for capturing target customers’ communication styles, emotions, and attitudes.

Learn more about the challenges of market research transcription.

Verbatim vs. non-verbatim transcription

Non-verbatim transcription is another common transcription method. Although both forms of transcription share the purpose of documenting audio content, each has its own characteristics.

  1. • Verbatim transcription: Captures all details, including exclamations, fillers, and stutters.
  2. • Non-verbatim transcription: Eliminates mistakes, fillers, or stutters for clarity but still maintains the main content.

How to do verbatim transcription

To transcribe an audio file, the transcriber will follow these steps:

  1. • Identify the topic: The transcriptionist must understand the content of the audio file before starting transcription.
  2. • Audio processing: Grainy audio or background noises may affect transcription accuracy. If necessary, the file will first be processed to enhance audio quality.
  3. • Transcribe the content: The transcriptionist listens to the file and types out the content in the requested language.
  4. • Proofread the transcript: Proofreading ensures the accuracy of the final transcript.
  5. • Fulfill additional requests: If requested, the transcriptionist may add timestamps to transcribed content or translate it.

Examples of verbatim transcription

To understand more about this form of transcription, have a look at a transcript sample done by Thao & Co.

Verbatim Transcription Example - Thao & Co.

This sample was translated. The original audio was in Vietnamese.

Verbatim transcription rules

To guarantee accurate and high-quality transcripts, transcriptionists must follow these rules:

  1. • Sensitivity to emotions: Verbatim transcription aims to capture speakers’ emotions. Hence, it is crucial that transcriptionists are quick to catch on to these nuances.
  2. • Knowledge of dialects: It is necessary for transcriptionists to possess sufficient knowledge of dialects present in the audio.
  3. • Extreme focus: During the transcription process, transcriptionists must stay focused to distinguish between different speakers and follow the conversation.

High-quality audio transcription services

Nowadays, it is easy to search for verbatim transcription services via online platforms. However, to ensure quality, it is best to seek advice from experts in your field. Or, you can check out the ratings and reviews of the agency you are considering.

Transcription EN - Thao & Co.

Thao & Co. currently offers a comprehensive suite of transcription services. Our transcripts are delivered by experts across various sectors. 

Partner with Thao & Co. to experience:

  1. • Fast turnaround and timely delivery
  2. • A team of expert linguists ensuring top-quality transcripts
  3. • Prompt, transparent, and reasonable quotation
  4. • Professional and efficient workflow for utmost client satisfaction
  5. • Thao & Co.’s proprietary platform for easy progress tracking, file management, billing, and unmatched security

On top of those, we provide transcription services for over 50 languages, including complex and rare ones. If you need translation for the transcripts, trust our linguists to deliver completely accurate translations.

For more details about our transcription services, visit our Get a Quote page to receive prompt assistance.

Source: Thao & Company
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