Dive into the World of Language & Translation with Thao & Co.

Language is a labyrinth of subtleties, there’s always more than meets the eye. It is the fruit born from a combination of diverse linguistic features of civilizations around the world. The task of understanding and harnessing complex linguistic values then becomes the mission of translators.
Come to Thao & Co. Blog where you will find new perspectives and fascinating insights into the intricacies of language as well as how translation helps bridge the linguistic chasm of the world, shared by linguistic experts themselves. Explore in depth the vibrant tapestry that is language today with Thao & Co.!

Vietnam Adoption

The adoption ceremony marks the formalization of an adoption and ensures the legal rights of adoptive parents in relation to their adopted child. This article outlines the steps leading to the adoption ceremony and associated costs. How does an adoption ceremony take place in Vietnam? The adoption ceremony is the final step to formalize the […]
Professional Translation and Localization Services in Vietnam
Where Precision Meets Quality Standards
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Let us know how we can help!
Our industries
We provide accurate translations of items such as clinical instructions, medical records, articles, product labels and questionnaires.
Advertising + Marketing
Get your message across in any language when we translate your informational materials, instructions and simple promotional content.
Banking + Finance
As you tap new markets, we can translate sales materials, emails, job applications, CVs, legal documents, and entire banking/trading platforms and apps.
Get fast, precise translation of legal documents, contracts, memos, emails and other forms of communication.
Real Estate + Construction
Our translators have sufficient familiarity with architecture, construction, real estate and civil engineering to help translate relevant documents.
Retail + E-commerce
If you’re selling to global markets, let us translate your sales materials, company announcements and meeting minutes for your international partners.
Travel + Tourism
We can provide general translation of content for internal communications and customer-facing text for hotels, restaurants, travel guides and more.
Relying on our experience translating films, plays and commercials, we give careful attention to word selection and meaning in every project.
Automotive + Aerospace
Look to our specialized linguists to translate and localize user guides, CAD drawings, repair manuals and business contracts.
Get precise translation of technical terminology whether for instructions, safety, quality control or regulatory compliance.
Explore new markets for your games once we translate the rules, instructions, storyline, dialog, graphics and technical details.
Empower global education with our translation and localization services. Available for academic transcripts, diplomas, degrees, certificates, websites, apps, and more.
Our expert localization services are here to get your tech materials, websites, apps, software and other digital products into new markets.
Ready to take the next step? Tell us about your project.

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