English Transcription Services: 5 Unbeatable Benefits of Choosing Thao & Co.

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English transcription services are gaining great popularity. Stick around as Thao & Co. shares valuable insights into the many advantages of choosing our transcription services.

What are English transcription and English transcription services?

English transcription involves converting the spoken English content in audio or video files into written text. Besides, English transcription services can also be used in real-time settings, such as interview transcriptions.

Typically, transcriptionists need to possess English proficiency and in-depth knowledge of the subjects they transcribe. Native transcriptionists are often preferred for their fluency and knowledge of cultural nuances.

Learn more about real-time transcription services, a key to successful court proceedings, meetings, and lectures.

Criteria for high-quality English transcription

For a high-quality transcription, a transcriptionist should follow these essential criteria:

  1. Maintain strong focus: Concentration is a critical factor while transcribing to accurately capture important details.
  2. Carefully research the topic: This step is crucial for complex subjects with an abundance of specialized terms.
  3. Refine audio quality: Low-quality audio files with noises  pose significant challenges to the transcription process. Transcriptionists should process the audio in advance to improve clarity before transcribing.
  4. Proofread with care: Once the transcription is complete, careful proofreading ensures the final product is error-free.
  5. Consider intonation: In some cases, emotional aspects should be conveyed in the transcription to capture the full context.

Learn more about the challenges of transcription.

English Transcription Services - Thao & Co.

Human transcription vs. Automatic transcription: Which one is better?

When it comes to transcribing audio or video, both human transcriptionists and automated tools can get the job done. But which one is better for your needs? Let’s explore the pros and cons of each method to help you decide.

Advantages of automatic transcription tools

  1. Speed: Automated tools can deliver transcriptions almost instantly, saving you a significant amount of time. Choosing and using these tools is usually quick and straightforward.
  2. Cost: Many transcription tools are affordable, with some even offering free basic features.

Disadvantages of automatic transcription tools

  1. Accuracy not guaranteed: Automated transcription can be less accurate because it relies on artificial intelligence, which might not always interpret the audio correctly.
  2. Confidentiality risks: Using automated tools might expose your transcription to third parties for other purposes such as machine training, potentially compromising the security of your content.

While there are numerous transcription tools available, it’s important to weigh your options carefully. For high-quality and confidential transcriptions, partnering with professional transcriptionists is often the best choice. They provide a level of accuracy and security that automated tools may not be able to match.

Learn more about transcribers.

5 Remarkable Benefits of Choosing English Transcription Services at Thao & Co.

Transcription VN - Thao & Co.

When it comes to English transcription services, professionalism is key. Let’s have a look at the benefits you can enjoy when choosing Thao & Co. as your trusted partner.

Absolute precision

At Thao & Co., our transcription projects are handled by native linguists with extensive experience. This ensures that the final work is not only accurate but also perfectly aligns with the source material.

Timely delivery

We understand the importance of meeting deadlines. Before you sign a contract, we’ll discuss the turnaround time and commit to it. In addition, our proprietary platform is specially designed to help you with convenient progress tracking.

Diverse services

Thao & Co. offer a wide variety of transcription services:

  1. • Non-verbatim transcription
  2. • Verbatim transcription
  3. • Transcription with timestamps

Furthermore, besides English, Thao & Co. provides transcription for more than 50 other languages.

We also offer additional services like subtitling and translation after transcription to meet all your needs.

Complete confidentiality

Your privacy is our top priority. Our team strictly adheres to confidentiality policies, ensuring secure and reliable handling of your information. All professionals involved in your project sign NDAs to safeguard your data.

Dedicated support

Our team is always ready to assist you, whether it’s before, during, or after our partnership. With our 24/7 client support channel, you can reach us anytime for prompt assistance.

How much does English transcription cost per minute? Latest transcription rates

The cost of English transcription services can vary based on several factors:

  1. Length of the recording: Longer files typically incur higher costs.
  2. Complexity of content: Transcriptions involving specialized industry jargon may command higher rates.
  3. Additional services: Extra fees may apply for editing, translation, timestamping, or subtitling, etc.
  4. Audio quality: Clear, high-quality audio can lower costs as it requires less processing.

Generally, English transcription tends to be more affordable compared to other languages, thanks to the large pool of available transcribers. For example, in Vietnam, rates range from 20,000 VND ($0.79) to 50,000 VND ($1.99) per minute. In the USA, you can expect rates between $2 and $4 per minute.

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Get quotations for audio or video transcription at Thao & Co.

Thao & Co. is a leading provider of audio and video transcription services in multiple languages. We offer budget-friendly rates tailored to meet your needs. Looking for professional transcriptions? Thao & Co. is here to help! For a free consultation, simply fill out your details on our Get A Quote page.

Source: Thao and Company
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