The NA2 form is required for individuals and organizations who would like to invite or guarantee a foreigner’s entry to Vietnam. It must be submitted with additional documents so that the Immigration Department could approve the entry.
The NA2 form is a formal request for pre-clearance of foreigners’ entry into Vietnam. The form is necessary for foreigners who have received an invitation or guarantee from a Vietnam-based entity. This form is processed by the Immigration Department.
You’ll need the NA2 form when:
Learn more: How to get a Vietnam visa on arrival.
The NA2 form for Vietnam visa application is available as:
Editable Word file:
Online form with barcode: The form must be completed on the National Web Portal on Immigration.
To complete the online form, you will need an account issued by the Immigration Department.
To fill in the online NA2 form, you’ll need an account on the electronic visa system.
Learn more: What is the Vietnam 1-year visa?
Here is a step-by-step guide to completing the NA2 form online. Note that all submitted details must be accurate and current.
Step 1: Access the website and log into your account.
Step 2: Select “E-transaction applying for visa at oversea Vietnamese representative offices and Checkpoints“.
Then select “For domestic agencies and organizations inviting and sponsoring foreigners” (the picture in the middle)
Step 3: Mark the checkbox under “Buoc 5” and click “Chuyen tiep” to continue.
Step 4: Enter all required information about the guaranteeing organization, including:
Step 5: Click on “Them khach” (Add guest) to enter personal details of the guaranteed individual. You can press either of these buttons:
⚠️ Tip: Make sure to select an appropriate purpose of entry in the “muc dich nhap canh” dropdown
Step 6: Review all information. Confirm that everything is correct by checking the box “Toi xin cam doan nhung noi dung tren la dung su that” (I hereby certify that the above information is true).
Then, enter the captcha and click “In cong van” (Print the document). Remember to stamp and sign the document before submitting it, along with other supporting documents, to the Immigration Department.
Spotted a mistake on your NA2 form? Don’t worry: you don’t have to redo the whole form. To modify specific information on the form, follow these steps:
Foreigners applying for a Vietnam visa will need other documents besides the NA2 form. These are:
These documents must be translated into Vietnamese and notarized to ensure legal validity. Navigating these complicated procedures can be daunting. For a higher chance of success, select a trustworthy translation agency such as Thao & Co.
Thao & Co. streamlines the procedure with our comprehensive solution, including precise and reliable notarized translation and consular authentication support services.
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