What are the Schengen visa countries?

Table of Contents

Planning to work or travel in Europe? A Schengen visa will be handy. In this article, we explain:

  1. • Schengen visa countries
  2. • The differences between the Schengen area and the EU
  3. • Schengen states

Read on to learn more!

How many Schengen visa countries are there?

The Schengen area covers 29 European countries. These countries are parties to the Schengen Agreement, which allows for unrestricted cross-border travel without the need for border checks.

Here is the Schengen visa countries list:

• Austria
• Poland
• Belgium
• Portugal
• The Czech Republic
• Croatia
• Denmark
• Germany
• Estonia
• The Netherlands
• Hungary
• Greece
• Iceland
• Latvia
• Liechtenstein
• Lithuania
• Luxembourg
• Malta
• Norway
• France
• Finland
• Slovakia
• Slovenia
• Spain
• Sweden
• Switzerland
• Italy
• Bulgaria
• Romania

Schengen area vs. European Union: What’s the Difference?

While there are overlaps, the European Union (EU) and the Schengen Area are not identical.

The EU is an economic and political union of 29 member states, some of which, like Ireland and Cyprus, are not part of the Schengen Area.

Conversely, some Schengen countries, such as Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein, are not EU members.

Where can you go with a Schengen visa?

Schengen Visa Countries - Thao & Co.

A Schengen visa facilitates seamless travel across 29 countries within the Schengen area, eliminating the need for separate visas for each.

This is convenient for trips involving multiple countries.

Note: When traveling to various destinations, you should apply for a Schengen visa from the country where you plan to spend the majority of your time.

Easy Schengen visa countries

Certain countries in the Schengen area have high visa acceptance rates and a swift approval process. They are:

1. Latvia

Latvia ranks among the nations with a high Schengen visa acceptance rate. Typically, the Latvian Consulate offers a swift approval process and less complex requirements compared to other countries.

2. Lithuania

Lithuania is also famous for its high approval rate for visas and straightforward procedure. This could be attributed to the relatively low volume of visa applications, enabling authorities to conduct more comprehensive document reviews.

3. Estonia

The visa approval process in Estonia is simple and very tourist-friendly. The Estonian Consulate provides clear and comprehensive requirements that make the preparation of documents easier.

4. Iceland

Not only a popular travel destination, Iceland is also one of the easiest Schengen visa countries. A high visa acceptance rate and quick approval time make Iceland an attractive choice for Schengen visa applicants.

Can you go to the UK with a Schengen visa?

No, a Schengen visa does not permit entry into the United Kingdom. While the UK is located in Europe, it does not participate in the Schengen Agreement.

To enter the UK, follow the its visa requirements and obtain a Standard Visitor Visa for authorized entry.

How can I improve my chance of success when applying for a Schengen visa?

Applying for a Schengen visa is a complex process that requires thorough preparation. Here are some handy tips to get you started:

1. Prepare an accurate and complete dossier

  1. Visa application form: Complete all sections and provide your signature.
  2. Passport: Valid for a minimum of 3 months beyond your planned departure date and have at least 2 blank pages.
  3. Photo: Should meet the specific dimensions (typically 35×45 mm), feature a white background, and be taken within the last 6 months.
  4. Travel insurance: Make sure it is valid across all Schengen countries, with a minimum medical coverage of €30,000.
  5. Detailed travel plan: Include all destinations, accommodations, and a comprehensive itinerary.

2. Make sure your itinerary is both detailed and logical

A well-crafted travel plan helps you manage the trip smoothly and creates a good impression on the assessment officer. Try to include the following details:

  1. • A booking confirmation from your hotel or an invitation letter from your family or friends.
  2. • Comprehensive information about each destination and duration of stay.
  3. • A return flight reservation, or a train or bus ticket with stops in Schengen states.

3. Proof of financial and job stability

  1. Bank statements: Provide financial statements from the past 3-6 months to demonstrate your financial stability.
  2. Employment letter: A document that confirms your employment status, salary, and duration of employment. If you are a business owner, you will need a copy of your business registration certificate and financial statements.

4. Invitation letter (if applicable)

You should include an invitation letter from your relatives, friends, or business partners in the destination country. This letter should include:

  1. Sender’s information: Full name, address, contact details, and a copy of a valid residence permit in the Schengen states.
  2. The purpose and duration of the visit

5. Put your trust in a professional translation service

A well-prepared visa application allows authorities to understand your profile and expedite your approval. It’s best to entrust your documents to a professional certified and notarized translation agency with extensive knowledge of international laws.

Translation Services - Thao & Co.

Thao & Co. takes pride in being a reliable translation provider of visa applications and documents.

Our expert linguists guarantee a seamless experience tailored to your convenience:

  1. • Professional translation services in 50+ languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, and many more.
  2. • Seasoned linguists with language proficiency and in-depth cultural knowledge, ensuring complete accuracy for every translation.
  3. • Swift turnaround time that meets tight deadlines without compromising quality.
  4. • Competitive pricing to provide clients with the best value.
  5. Proprietary platform to handle client information and manage files securely.

Get flawless translation for your Schengen visa application today and boost your chances of approval!

Key Takeaways

We hope that our list of Schengen countries will be helpful for your visa application. Whether it’s for travel, business, or academic purposes, Thao & Co. is the one-stop shop for all your translation needs.

Contact us today for a free quote and detailed consultation!

Source: Thao & Company
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