All about Vietnam Adoption Cost for Foreigners – Latest Update

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Considering adoption in Vietnam? Adoption costs can be a worry. Besides mandatory legal expenses, additional costs may apply based on your specific circumstances.

In this article, Thao & Co. breaks down:

  1. Vietnam adoption cost and who collects them
  2. • Exemptions you might qualify for
  3. • Other expenses associated with adoption

Plan your budget with confidence – scroll down to learn more!

Vietnam adoption cost: A breakdown for planning

Adopting in Vietnam can be complex and expensive, with various costs to factor in.

An adoption registration fee is required to process your adoption dossier. The fee depends on your specific circumstances:


The fee is 9,000,000 VND/case (around $355) for:

  1. • Vietnamese citizens permanently residing in a foreign country
  2. • Foreign citizens permanently residing in a foreign country

The fee is 4,500,000 VND/case (around $177) for:

  1. • Foreign citizens permanently residing in Vietnam
  2. • Foreign citizens residing in border areas of neighboring countries adopting Vietnamese children permanently residing in Vietnam’s border areas

The fee is $150/case for:

  1. • Vietnamese citizens residing in foreign countries adopting Vietnamese children who also reside in foreign countries
  2. • Citizens registering for adoption at a diplomatic mission of Vietnam

Important: The adoption registration fee is non-refundable, even if you are ultimately not approved to adopt in Vietnam. Make sure you meet all the requirements for adoption in Vietnam first!

Please note that upon completion of the process, a payment of approximately 50,000,000 VND will be required from the Department of Adoption. This fee is used for archival and management purposes.

Costs for Adoption in Vietnam - Thao & Co.

Who will collect the fee?

Submit the fee with your adoption dossier to:

  1. The Department of Adoption, Ministry of Justice
    • o Address: 58-60 Tran Phu, Ba Dinh District, Ha Noi City
    • o Office hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM (Lunch break: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM)
  2. Vietnamese diplomatic missions

If the child you intend to adopt resides in a different province or city, you may need to contact their local Department of Justice for assistance with the adoption process.

Fee exemption and reduction eligibility

You are eligible for a 50% reduction of the adoption registration fee if:

  1. • You are a birth relative of the to-be-adopted child (including stepfather, stepmother, aunt, and uncle)
  2. • You are adopting a sibling of a child you have already adopted before

The fee will be waived if you have previously applied for adoption and are trying to obtain a replacement copy of the adoption certificate.

Other costs associated with adoption in Vietnam

Foreign nationals not permanently residing in Vietnam may face an additional fee to cover the child’s care. This fee typically includes:

  1. • Expenses for the child’s well-being, education, and care (from introduction to adoption completion).
  2. • Salaries for nurturing center staff.

Note: The specific amount of this fee is determined by the nurturing center. In some cases, the fee calculation may be based on a different time frame, such as from the time the child enters the nurturing center until the adoption process begins.

The adoption process may involve some additional administrative costs. These can include:

  1. • Verification fees for the child’s background.
  2. • Fees for the Child Giving and Receiving Ceremony
  3. • Processing fees for the dossier of the adopter, including documents such as a criminal record, a completed questionnaire on family and psychology, and a certificate of income and property.
  4. • Processing fees for the dossier of the to-be-adopted child, including documents like a health certificate, a document on remarkable characteristics of the child, and more.
  5. Costs for certified and notarized translation of documents into Vietnamese
  6. • And other costs

To be considered valid for the adoption process in Vietnam, your documents will likely require consular legalization and notarized translation. The importance of these steps necessitates the assistance of a trusted local translation agency.

Key Takeaways

In total, Vietnam adoption cost may include:

  1. • A mandatory adoption registration fee: 3.800.000 to 9.000.000 VND (around $150 to $355)
  2. • A sum of money to offset the expenses of childcare for the nurturing center
  3. • Fees for legal procedures

Determining the exact final cost can be complex. For the most accurate cost estimates, contact the relevant authorities and nurturing centers directly.

The path to adoption can be complex, but you don’t have to walk it alone. Thao & Co. is your trusted partner on the path to building a loving family.

We understand your concerns and are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of adoption in Vietnam. Our highly experienced team of in-house specialists, including qualified linguists and legal experts, will be with you every step of the way.

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Why Choose Thao & Co. for Vietnam Adoption Support?

  1. • Benefit from our in-house linguists and legal specialists to navigate the legalities with ease.
  2. • Receive personalized consultations on legal requirements and procedures.
  3. • We assist you in completing your adoption dossiers efficiently.
  4. • Leverage our professional services including notarized and certified translation as well as consular legalization
  5. • Enjoy a swift and professional workflow to keep your adoption moving forward.
  6. • We offer a transparent quotation without hidden charges, ensuring peace of mind.

Contact Thao & Co. today and take the first step toward building your family. Here’s how to reach us:

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Source: Thao & Company
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