Intercountry Adoption Agencies in Vietnam: All You Need To Know

Table of Contents

Intercountry adoption in Vietnam can be hard to navigate due to the complicated legal procedures involved. Adoption agencies in Vietnam offer practical solutions to ease these concerns and expedite the process.

Join Thao & Co. to learn about:

  1. ● The benefits of adoption support services
  2. ● What is involved in a full-service package
  3. ● The estimated cost

What makes adoption agencies in Vietnam a good solution?

The adoption procedures in Vietnam are already complex enough for locals. The challenges are even more significant for foreigners due to language barriers and the differences in laws and culture.

Common obstacles

If you are a foreigner who wishes to adopt a child from Vietnam, be prepared for the obstacles ahead.

  1. Cultural differences: Foreigners coming to Vietnam for the first time may have a hard time understanding and adapting to the “unspoken rules” and unique customs of the Vietnamese culture.
  2. Language barrier: Although English is widely spoken, not everyone in Vietnam can speak the language fluently, especially when dealing with legal procedures.
  3. Complex regulations: The adoption process in Vietnam involves multiple government agencies. requiring knowledge and experience to navigate through.

The benefits of adoption agencies in Vietnam

Due to its legal and complex nature, intercountry adoption is quite a challenge. That’s why adoption agencies in Vietnam can be a lifesaver for foreign adoptive parents.

  1. Meeting all legal requirements: With experience in legal and administrative procedures, these agencies can help you prepare all necessary documents to streamline the application process.
  2. Bridging language and cultural barriers: Skilled professionals fluent in English can guide you through all complex procedures and facilitate communication between all the parties involved.
  3. Saving time and effort: Instead of spending months researching the requirements and procedures, a single consultation session is enough for you to know about the important details. Adoption agencies will take care of all the hard work.
Adoption Agencies in Vietnam - Thao & Co.

Thao & Co. adoption services – What is included?

Feeling lost in a maze of complex regulations? Let Thao & Co. be your trusted partner.

Client experience is one of our top priorities. Thao & Co. is committed to providing professional and comprehensive adoption services.

1. Legal consultation

Intercountry adoption in Vietnam involves strict and complex regulations. Here are the eligibility requirements for adoptive parents:

  1. ● Having full civil act capacity
  2. Being at least 20 years older than the to-be-adopted child
  3. ● Demonstrating good ethical qualities and having no previous criminal convictions.
  4. ● Having the financial means and adequate living accommodations to ensure appropriate care, nurture, and education of the child
  5. ● Other requirements (if applicable)

We provide tailored legal advice based on your situation and a checklist of required documents for a complete adoption application. We will also explain the full adoption process and answer any question you may have.

2. Document preparation

You will need to prepare two types of dossier:

  1. ● Dossier for foreign adoptive parents (02 sets)
  2. ● Dossier for the to-be-adopted child (03 sets)

We will help you prepare the necessary documents and complete all paperwork in accordance with legal requirements. This helps streamline document processing and boost your chance of getting approved for adoption.

Concerned about privacy? Thao & Co. leverages our proprietary platform for data management without third-party involvement. In addition, all experts working with you are bound by NDAs to protect your sensitive information.

3. Document translation

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Legalization and notarized translation are required for non-Vietnamese documents to be legally valid in Vietnam. We provide full-package consular legalization and notarization service to save you time and effort.

  1. ● Translation for over 50 languages: English, Spanish, German, French, and many more.
  2. ● Seasoned linguists with prestigious language degrees and certificates.
  3. Fast and accurate consular authentication and notarization services.

4. Dossier submission

If you don’t have the time to submit your dossiers, you can entrust them to us. As locals with experience in navigating legal and administrative procedures, we can help you submit your dossier and pay the application fees on your behalf.

Also check Everything about Vietnam adoption cost for better planning.

5. Escort interpretation

During the adoption process, you will need to communicate with the child’s care facility, parents, or guardians, and government officers.

Our interpreters are not only there to bridge the language gaps but also to help you connect with the people involved and communicate effectively.

Intercountry adoption services in Vietnam

All projects at Thao & Co. follow a streamlined workflow:

Step 1: Send request

You provide your contact information and detailed request on our online form and schedule a consultation session of up to 2 hours. In this session, we will answer your questions and give a thorough explanation of the adoption process in Vietnam.

Step 2: Sign the service agreement

If you wish to use our service, we will proceed to sign a service agreement to ensure rights and transparency. Payment will be made as specified in the agreement.

Step 3: Prepare the documents

You will prepare and send us your documents according to the adoption dossier checklist we provide. Our expert will guide you through the process of getting the necessary documents – whether they should be obtained in your home country or in Vietnam.

Step 4: Submit the adoption dossiers

We will have your non-Vietnamese documents translated, notarized, and legalized.

After completing the dossiers, our expert will submit them to the Child Adoption Department and the local Justice Department on your behalf. Lastly, we will also help you pay the application fees.

Step 5: Receive your results

We will notify you once the results are ready. If your application is approved, you will come to Vietnam to participate in the Child Adoption Ceremony and take care of the remaining procedures. You will pay the process completion fee to the government and the rest of the service fee.

Step 6: Supporting services

After the adoption process is completed, we can also help you complete the immigration procedures for your child and report the development of the child to Vietnam authorities (if required).

Price of adoption services – Latest update

Adoption Agencies in Vietnam - Thao & Co.

Determining exact service costs for international adoption support can be challenging. The service price largely depends on the origin country of your documents and the complexity of the dossiers.

Get a detailed quote at Thao & Co.

Thao & Co. always provides a detailed, reasonable, and transparent quote for clients before signing any agreements. You will be notified of every step via email, from quotation to invoice.

To receive a consultation and get a quote for our adoption support service, please contact us via one of the following methods:

  1. ● Leave your information on our Contact page
  2. ● Send an email to [email protected]
  3. ● Send a direct message via the Live Chat feature at the bottom right corner of the screen for instant assistance

Thao & Co. will accompany you on the journey to welcome a new family member.

Don’t hesitate to reach out! We are always ready to assist.

Source: Thao & Company
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