Home Study for International Adoption – Requirements and Costs

Table of Contents

Whether you’re adopting domestically or internationally, you’ll need to complete a home study. In this article, Thao & Co. answers the most frequently asked questions about the home study for international adoption.

Join us to learn all about this process:

  1. • What is a home study?
  2. • Who is authorized to conduct a home study?
  3. • What are the procedures and costs?

What is a home study for international adoption?

Getting your home study completed is the first step of the adoption process. But what exactly does a home study for international adoption involve, and why is it so important?


A home study is a comprehensive report that provides a detailed look at the adoptive family’s history and background. It serves as proof that you and your family are capable of providing a healthy and stable environment for the child you’re hoping to adopt.

The requirements for a standard home study differ depending on the country you are adopting from. Typically, this report runs 10 to 20 pages and covers the following key areas:

  1. 1. Individual and family interview: This explores your motivation to adopt and the support you’ll receive from your family.
  1. 2. Home and neighborhood details: An overview of your home’s safety and the security of your surrounding community.
  1. 3. Criminal background check: Discussions of adoptive parent(s) and other family members’ criminal records or the absence of such records to ensure the safety and protection of the adoptive child.
  1. 4. Mental health and well-being evaluation: An assessment of the mental and emotional stability of all family members and their relationships with one another.
  1. 5. Adoption training: Details of training completed by the adoptive parent(s).
  1. 6. References: Letters of recommendation from family, friends, or co-workers who can vouch for the adoptive parent(s).


Raising a child is a big responsibility. This is why the home study plays such a crucial role for both the child and the adoptive family.

  1. Protect the child’s rights: Ensures the child will grow up in a stable, safe, and loving environment.
  1. Support family integration: Confirms that the family’s background aligns with the child’s age and specific needs.
  1. Promote awareness and knowledge: Helps the adoptive parents be as prepared and informed as possible for the journey of parenthood.
Home Study for International Adoption - Thao & Co.

Requirements for a home study for international adoption

Home study requirements vary by country. It’s essential to do some online research to check both your country’s guidelines and those of the child’s current residence for detailed instructions.

For example, in Vietnam, foreigners wishing to adopt must provide a home study that meets the following criteria:

  1. • Issued by an authorized agency: The home study process must be conducted by a licensed agency following international adoption regulations.
  1. • A comprehensive family background check: The home study report must include the living conditions, financial capabilities, and physical and mental health records of each household member.
  1. Criminal history check: A thorough criminal background check on the adopter is required, with a particular focus on any child-related offenses.
  1. • Parenting experience and adoption training: Proof of parenting experience and completed adoption training must be included to demonstrate readiness to care for a child.
  1. • Legal compliance: The home study report must comply with the regulations of the issuance country, Vietnam, and the Hague Adoption Convention.
  1. • Period of validity: The home study report must be issued within the last six months.
  1. Notarized translation: If the home study is from outside Vietnam, it must be legalized and translated into Vietnamese, with notarization, before submission to the authorities.

The home study is just one of the required documents in the adoption process. Be sure to review the full adoption documents checklist for Vietnam for more details!

Home study vs. background check – Are they the same?

While a home study and a background check might seem similar at first glance, they are actually two distinct types of documents.

Home study: This is a thorough report covering the background, moral character, health, and financial situation of both an individual and their household members.

Issued by: A licensed professional, authorized private organization, or government agency.

• Background check: This document focuses solely on a person’s criminal history, detailing any past convictions, whether spent or unspent.

Issued by: The agency of criminal record data management in the applicant’s country of residence.

To put it simply, a home study is a comprehensive report on an individual and their family. Meanwhile, a background check is strictly limited to one’s criminal history.

Who is authorized to conduct a home study?

Only individuals or agencies licensed or authorized by the local government are permitted to conduct a home study.

If both the adopter and the child are from countries that are part of the Hague Adoption Convention, additional authorization from the Hague is required.

These individuals/agencies include:

  1. • Licensed clinical social workers (LCSW)
  2. • Licensed psychologists and counselors
  3. • Authorized government agencies
  4. • Non-profit organization recognized by The Hague

Or private home study service providers for international adoption such as:

  1. Holt International
  2. • International Adoption Net (IAN)
  3. • Gladney Center for Adoption
  4. • etc.

Latest fees for a home study for international adoption

How much does Home Study cost? - Thao & Co.

The cost of a home study varies depending on several factors, including:

  1. • Type of adoption (domestic or international)
  2. • Country of residence
  3. • The agency conducting the study
  4. • The depth and scope of the investigation

On average, here’s what you can expect to pay for home study services:

  1. • Domestic adoption: $1,000 to $3,000
  2. • International adoption: $2,500 to $5,000

In Vietnam, these services are less common. So, you may need to seek assistance from international private organizations. The exact fees will depend on the provider.

Keep in mind that additional costs may arise for things like document modifications, translations of the home study report, or obtaining criminal records and health checks.

Guarantee the legal validity of your documents by working with professional agencies specializing in certified translation of adoption documents.

Home study process for adoption from Vietnam

The home study process for adoption consists of 3 phases: home inspection, documentation, and household investigation.

The full process can be broken down into 6 steps:

  1. Step 1: Reach out to a licensed home study service provider or organization.
  2. Step 2: Obtain your police background check and provide it to the conducting agency.
  3. Step 3: Attend an initial meeting with a social worker who will guide you through the process.
  4. Step 4: Gather all necessary documents for the investigation. (Check out the checklist below for details.)
  5. Step 5: The social worker conducts home visits and inspections to gather information.
  6. Step 6: Review all documents thoroughly. Make any necessary adjustments or additions before finalizing the process.

Important: Before signing off on the home study report, carefully review every detail and inform the social worker if you notice any errors or inaccuracies.

The entire home study process typically takes between 3 to 6 months, depending on your specific case. After you have a valid home study report, you’ll need to complete the next steps before submitting it to the Child Adoption Department in Vietnam:

  1. • Consular authentication in your country of residence
  2. Consular legalization in Vietnam
  3. • Notarized translation into Vietnamese

Check out the Intercountry Vietnam Adoption Process for detailed instructions.

What to prepare before a home study?

What to Prepare for Home Study? - Thao & Co.

Here is a checklist for your upcoming home study:


  1. Birth certificate
  2. Driving license
  3. Insurance documents
  4. Marriage certificate
  5. Passport
  6. Medical record
  7. • Police check
  8. • Documents demonstrating your financial capabilities
  9. • Document demonstrating your assets
  10. • Documents demonstrating your status of residency (green card, household register, etc.)
  11. Reference letters from your close ones
  12. • Autobiography

To-do list

Ensure your house is equipped with:

  1. • Fire alarm system and fire extinguisher
  2. • First-aid kit and emergency contact directory
  3. • Locks and security screens on doors and windows
  4. • Lidded trash cans
  5. • Safety precautions in place for fireplaces, heating systems, electrical outlets, and pools

Important notes for household members:

  1. • Prepare all necessary information for the interview
  2. • Gather all the required documents in advance
  3. • Dress neatly and appropriately for any meetings
  4. • Inform your family members ahead of time to ensure everyone is ready and prepared

Thao & Co.  – Your companion on the adoption journey

The home study is just the beginning of the adoption process, whether you’re pursuing domestic or international adoption. It can be complex and time-consuming, but you’re not alone on this path.

Not sure where to start with the adoption process in Vietnam? Thao & Co. is here to guide you every step of the way.

We help you navigate the language and cultural challenges so you can focus on what truly matters – welcoming a new member into your family.

Our professional adoption support services are designed for future parents like you. When you choose Thao & Co., you’ll benefit from the expertise of our local specialists and experienced linguists.

From document preparation to language interpretation, we’ll make sure the entire process goes smoothly. Our team speaks fluent English and has in-depth knowledge of Vietnam’s administrative procedures, so you’ll always have answers to your questions.

Let Thao & Co. be your trusted partner in achieving your dream of becoming a parent.

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Source: Thao & Company
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