Germany embassy legalization guide: procedures and fees

Table of Contents

Germany embassy legalization is a crucial process in ensuring that Vietnamese documents are legally valid in Germany and vice versa.

This not only ensures the legal validity of documents but also facilitates study and work activities.

In this guide, Thao & Co. covers everything you need to know about:

  1. ▪ Procedures,
  2. ▪ Fees,
  3. ▪ Trusted legalization services.

✅ Let’s get right into this with Thao & Co.!

When is German embassy legalization required?

German embassy legalization is a mandatory requirement for using documents between Vietnam and Germany. This is crucial for documents such as:

  1. 🔹 Marriage certificates,
  2. 🔹 Degrees and diplomas,
  3. 🔹 Birth certificates,
  4. 🔹 Powers of attorney,
  5. 🔹 Commercial and service contracts.

Legalization ensures that these documents are recognized as legally valid in the destination country. If you’re planning to:

  1.  🔹 Study,
  2.  🔹 Work,
  3.  🔹 Get marriage,
  4.  🔹 Conduct business transactions,

You’ll need consular legalization to ensure your documents are officially valid.

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Consular legalization procedures at the German Embassy

German embassy legalization requires careful preparation and
strict compliance. Below is an overview of the necessary steps:

Required documents

To begin the legalization process, you’ll need to prepare the following:

  1. Documents for legalization: Bring both the original document and a copy, such as:
    • ▪ Birth certificates
    • ▪ Marriage certificates
    • ▪ Certificates of marital status
    • Business licenses
    • ▪ Degrees and academic transcripts
    • ▪ Real estate documents (e.g. land use
      rights certificates, purchase agreements)
    • Labor contracts
    • ▪ Powers of attorney
    • ▪ Health certificates
  1. German translations: All documents must be translated into German. The translations need to be notarized to ensure their accuracy and legal validity.
  1. Consular legalization request form: Complete the application form provided by the embassy, making sure all required fields are filled out correctly.
  1. Personal identification: Bring an identity card or passport to verify the applicant’s personal information.

It’s important to check the latest regulations from both local authorities and the German Embassy to ensure that you gather all necessary documents.

Legalization process

Here’s how the German embassy legalization process works:

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  1. Step 1: Document preparation

Ensure that all required documents are translated into German and notarized. Accuracy and thoroughness in this step are key to a smooth process.

  1. ◾ Step 2: Document submission

Submit your documents at either the German Embassy or the German Consulate General in your area. The embassy will confirm the authenticity of your documents.

  1. Step 3: Document processing

The embassy will review and verify the submitted documents. If any issues arise, you may be asked to provide additional documents.

  1. ◾ Step 4: Receive your results

Once your documents have been reviewed and approved, you will receive the legalized documents from the German consulate.

Latest German embassy legalization fees

German embassy legalization fees include:

  1.  ▪ Document certification fee,
  2.  ▪ Translation and notary fee,
  3.  ▪ Document legalization fee (at the embassy)

Here’s the standard fee for German embassy legalization:

  1.  ▪ Foreign document: 29.27 Euro per copy
  2.  ▪ German document: 23.97 Euro per copy

The cost is determined by the number of documents and specific requirements. The cost ranges from 29 Euro to 56 VND per dossier.

Should I consider using German embassy legalization services?

Opting for a consular legalization service is highly recommended, as the process can be quite complex if done on your own. By choosing professional legalization services, you can save time, avoid errors in your documents, and ensure a smoother approval process.

With extensive experience in handling embassy legalizations, our team can make the entire procedure more efficient.

Germany embassy legalization services at Thao & Co.

Germany Embassy Legalization-Thaonco

Thao & Co. is a professional translation company providing German embassy legalization services with numerous advantages:

Proprietary management platform

Our secure proprietary platform keeps your data confidential throughout the entire process. We are committed to providing you with a secure and reliable service.

Top-quality translation

At Thao & Co., we guarantee high-quality German translations handled by TestDaF-certified translators who ensure:

  1.  ✅ Accurate translations,
  2.  ✅ Contextually appropriate language,
  3.  ✅ Compliance with the strict standards of the German Embassy.

The quality of the translation is critical to gaining document approval.

Reasonable pricing

Thao & Co. offers competitive rates for our legalization services, ensuring you receive top-quality translations at a fair price. Plus, you’ll get a transparent quote before we begin any project.

Key takeaways

Germany embassy legalization is an important process to ensure the legal validity of documents between Germany and Vietnam. Thao & Co. provides reliable legalization services to ensure fast and accurate results.

With our skilled team and professional approach, we’re confident that our services will meet your needs.

Leave your information on our Get a Quote page for a prompt consultation!

Source: Thao & Company
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