Sworn Translation: Everything You Need to Know

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Sworn translation is a familiar term to professional translators, but for those outside the industry, the concept can be a mystery. The average person often encounters sworn translations when dealing with government agencies during legal or administrative procedures.

In this article, Thao & Co. breaks down everything you should know about sworn translation and why you might need this service.

What is sworn translation?

In the context of sworn translations, “sworn” signifies a formal declaration made by the translator, confirming the accuracy and completeness of their work.

Sworn translation involves converting the official documents from the source language to the target language. To guarantee accuracy, sworn translators take a crucial step: they sign a certification statement presented before a court.

These translations are specifically used in court proceedings and other legal contexts. Sworn translations are particularly common in countries with Civil Law systems. Countries that require this type of translation include:

  1. ● Spain
  2. ● Italy
  3. ● Germany
  4. ● France
  5. ● Greece
  6. ● Austria
  7. ● And others

What are the differences between certified translation and sworn translation?

Certified translation and sworn translation tend to get mixed up with one another. Despite the similarities these two types of translation share, they are very different in nature.

Sworn translations are predominantly used in courts as well as in legal and administrative procedures. Sworn translators are required to submit a translation affidavit before a court, formally attesting to the completeness and accuracy of their work.

SwornTranslation of Marital Status Certificate - Thao & Co.
Translation affidavit sample

Certified translations, on the other hand, have a broader reach. They’re not limited to legal matters and can be used in various fields. These documents include academic transcripts, financial statements, medical records, etc.

Unlike sworn translations, certified translations don’t involve court appearances or affidavits. Instead, they are typically endorsed by translation agencies or notarized by local authorities.

Certificate of Translation Accuracy - Thao & Co.
Translation Accuracy Statement Sample by Thao & Co.

Thus, the accuracy of a sworn translation is certified based on the translator’s translation affidavit before a competent authority. As for certified translation, the translated text is certified by a certified translator or a professional translation agency.

When do you need a sworn translation?

Thao & Co. - Sworn Translation Service

You might need sworn translations when submitting your foreign documents to government agencies for a legal or administrative procedure, or when using those documents as evidence in a trial taking place in a country (for example,  Germany, France, Italy, etc.) where sworn translations are mandated. That’s when sworn translation services come into play.

Without sworn translations of your documents, you might get rejected for legal procedures due to failure to meet the requirements.

Documents typically requiring sworn translation include:

  1. ● Medical reports
  2. ● Court’s judgments
  3. ● Personal documents: Birth certificates, marriage certificates, academic qualifications, etc.
  4. ● Residence documents: Visa, temporary residence cards, permanent residence cards

To save time, it is advisable to consider using Apostille or Consular Legalization services provided by a reputable translation agency. These services will assist you through document preparation and ultimately help smoothen your legal procedures.

Challenges of sworn translation

Sworn translation is a complicated process that requires different linguistic skills and solid legal knowledge. Common challenges include:

Absolute accuracy

Since they are used for legal and administrative purposes, it is pivotal that sworn translations are handled with scrupulous attention to ensure accuracy. An inaccurate translation can be a hindrance to your legal procedures.

Complicated documents

Documents requiring sworn translations are typically complicated in terms of content and structure. Therefore, to deliver the finest translation possible, the translator must possess a thorough understanding of local regulations as well as relevant legal and administrative procedures.

Having extensive experience with legal translation is an advantage for a translator because they are familiar with the legal terms and structures of the documents. This helps increase the chances of acceptance of the submitted documents.

Legal regulations

Sworn translators must strictly comply with legal regulations. Each country has its own legal regulations. Therefore, sworn translators must also have solid knowledge of the laws relevant to the documents to be translated.

Tight deadlines

It is vital to complete the translation within the submission deadlines for legal procedures. Some of the procedures do come with very short deadlines. Therefore, besides translating and proofreading meticulously, ensuring timely delivery of the final products is also a priority.

Sworn translation service costs

Sworn translation service prices are determined by various factors, including:

  1. ● Text volume
  2. ● Popularity of the language pair
  3. ● Turnaround time
  4. ● Complexity of the document

These are the common determinants of service prices. Besides, sworn translation rates might also vary by agency. Therefore, the best way to get a quick and detailed quote is to contact a translation agency for consultation.

Have a document that needs sworn translation? Just let us know what you need. Thao & Co. will get back to you with a transparent quote. Partnering with Thao & Co., you will get access to our proprietary platform where you can track all your translation quotes and payment statuses.

For further information about sworn translation service rates at Thao & Co., please click on Get a Quote to receive a complimentary consultation.

Professional sworn translation services

Need a sworn translation done right? Thao & Co. is your trusted partner. We deliver accurate sworn translations with efficiency and expertise.

Over many years, Thao & Co. has built a reputation for exceptional service. We consistently exceed client expectations by delivering accurate and timely translations with the utmost professionalism.

Translation Services - Thao & Co.

Partner with Thao & Co. and experience the peace of mind that comes with exceptional sworn translation services:

  1. ● Benefit from the expertise of our qualified and experienced linguists
  2. ● Enjoy a seamless experience with our user-friendly platform, offering easy progress tracking, transparent pricing, and secure file transfer.
  3. ● Translate between over 50 languages, including Chinese, Japanese, English, Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, and many more.
  4. ● Receive your translations on time, with standard documents completed and delivered within 48 hours.
  5. ● Experience complete security with our absolute commitment to project and client confidentiality.
  6. ● Streamline your communication with our B2B translation solutions where expertise meets flexibility.

Ready to experience the benefits of professional sworn translations? Get a free quote today!

Source: Thao & Company
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