Adopting from Vietnam: Requirements for Foreigners

Table of Contents

The process of applying for adoption in Vietnam can be quite intricate and time-consuming. If you want to adopt a child in Vietnam, it is essential to understand the latest legal requirements for adopting from Vietnam.

In this article, Thao & Co. will clarify:

  1. • The legal requirements for adoption
  2. • The eligibility criteria for foreigners wishing to adopt children in Vietnam
  3. • Frequently asked questions

Let’s get started!

Latest legal requirements for inter-country adoption in Vietnam

Understanding the legal requirements for inter-country adoption in Vietnam is crucial for foreign adoptive parents. This process can be complex, so familiarizing yourself with these regulations can help ensure a smoother experience.

What is inter-country adoption?

Inter-country adoption refers to situations where a child and their adoptive parent(s) are not citizens of the same country. This can involve:

  1. • A Vietnamese child adopted by a foreigner.
  2. • A foreign child adopted by another foreigner permanently residing in Vietnam.
  3. • A Vietnamese child adopted by a Vietnamese citizen permanently residing in a foreign country.

Who can be adopted by foreigners?

There are specific criteria for children who can be adopted by foreigners in Vietnam. These include:

  1. • Children urgently in need of substitute families due to:
    • + Abandonment
    • + Orphanhood
    • + Other situations where the biological family cannot provide adequate care
  2. • Children on the Waiting Children List managed by the Department of Justice
  3. • Children under 16-year-old
  4. • Children between 16 and 18 if the prospective adoptive parent is a step-parent or a biological aunt/uncle
  5. • Legal consent is required from the child’s legal guardian or birth parents
  6. • If the child is 9 years old or older, their consent is also necessary

Eligibility requirements for foreigners to adopt in Vietnam

Viet Nam Adoption Requirements for Foreigners - Thao & Co.

The following section outlines the requirements for prospective adoptive parents who are foreigners or Vietnamese citizens permanently residing abroad:

Who can adopt?

To be eligible to adopt a child in Vietnam, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. • Full civil act capacity
  2. • Good moral character
  3. • No restrictions on parental rights over another minor child
  4. • Not currently serving a prison sentence
  5. • No criminal record related to child abuse, endangerment, trafficking, etc. that hasn’t been expunged
  6. • Be at least 20 years older than the child to be adopted
  7. • Meet all requirements related to your health, financial means, and ability to provide adequate living accommodations to ensure the appropriate care, nurture, and education of the child

Exceptions: The last two requirements (minimum age difference and financial capability) do not apply to:

  1. • The stepfather or stepmother of the child
  2. • The maternal/paternal aunt or uncle of the child

Who can adopt a specific child?

Required: You must be a Vietnamese citizen or foreigner residing in a country that is party to the Hague Adoption Convention.

Consult the list here

Additionally, one of the following conditions must be met:

  1. • The adopter must be a step-parent or biological aunt or uncle of the child
  2. • The adopter has previously adopted a sibling of the child
  3. • The child has disabilities or serious medical conditions identified as eligible for intercountry adoption

In essence, you must be a close relative of the child, or the child must have special needs as defined by Vietnamese law.

Additional requirements for foreigners:

  1. • Efforts must be demonstrably made to find a suitable adoptive family within Vietnam before pursuing intercountry adoption.
  2. • The prospective adoptive parent must have been working or studying in Vietnam for at least one year.

Inter-country adoption in Vietnam: FAQs

We at Thao & Co. understand that the adoption process could be highly complicated. We hope that our answers to these frequently asked questions can clarify some common areas of confusion:

Who can be adopted?

The child to be adopted must:

  1. • Be under 18 years old and at least 20 years younger than the prospective adoptive parent(s)
  2. • Be on the Waiting Children List of the Government

Consent is required from the child’s legal guardian if they are under 9 years old. Children 9 years old and above must also provide their consent.

For details on the specific criteria for children eligible for inter-country adoption in Vietnam, please refer to the section titled “Who can be adopted by foreigners?” above.

Is there a minimum age requirement for adoption?

Yes, there are minimum age requirements for both the child and the adoptive parents in Vietnam:

  1. The child to be adopted must be under 18
  2. The adopter must be at least 20 years older than the child
  3. For children aged 9 and above, their consent to the adoption is required.
  4. • Only step-parents, stepchildren, or biological aunts/uncles can adopt children between 16 and 18 years old.

Can I change the name of my adopted child?

The answer is YES. Vietnamese law allows adoptive parents to change the name of their adopted child, including both the family name and given name.

However, for children aged 9 and above, their consent is also required for the name change to be official. To initiate the name change process, adoptive parents should submit a request to the local civil registry office, which is the competent authority for changes in civil status.

Do I need to translate my inter-country adoption documents (dossier)?

The answer is YES. All documents in foreign languages must undergo consular authentication, translation into Vietnamese, and notarization before submission to the Vietnamese authorities.

These documents may include:

  1. Marriage certificate
  2. Police check / Criminal record certificate
  3. Health check certificate
  4. • Family and psychological evaluations
  5. • and more.
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Streamline Your Adoption Journey in Vietnam with Thao & Co.’s Translation & Support Services

Welcome to the rewarding journey of adopting a child from Vietnam. Thao & Co. translation company is here to guide you through the process with our comprehensive adoption support services.

We understand that navigating the legalities of international adoption can be overwhelming. Our team of experienced professionals can help ensure a smooth and efficient experience. Partner with Thao & Co. for:

  1. • A complete and valid adoption dossier that meets all Vietnamese legal requirements
  2. • Assistance with certified and notarized translation from Vietnamese to over 50 languages, including English, Spanish, German, and Russian, among others
  3. • Quick, affordable, and transparent quotations
  4. • Professional and optimized workflow to ensure timely completion of your documents
  5. Free consultation to discuss your specific needs and answer your questions about the adoption process
  6. Total client confidentiality protected with Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)

All children deserve a loving home. Find fulfillment in changing a child’s life for the better! Schedule your free consultation with Thao & Co. today to discuss your adoption journey and receive a detailed quote for our translation services.

Source: Thao & Company
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