D Type Schengen Visa: Requirements, Application Process, and Fees

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The D type Schengen visa is a long-stay visa that permits extended stays within the Schengen Area, which includes 29 member states. It allows holders to remain for more than 90 days, making it perfect for long-term studies, business trips, or visiting friends and family.

In this article, Thao & Co. will walk you through key details about the D type Schengen visa, including:

  1. • Its requirements
  2. • The application process
  3. • Costs involved
  4. • Reliable translation services for your application documents

Let us guide you to a successful visa approval.

What is a D type Schengen visa?

A D type Schengen visa is a long-stay visa that grants its holder the permission to stay and travel within the Schengen Area. The duration of stay could last for up to more than 90 days.

This visa is ideal for:

  1. • Studies
  2. • Business ventures
  3. • Extended stays in the Schengen Area

Check out Thao & Co.’s guide on Schengen countries.

Differences between type C and type D Schengen visa

Duration of stay: While type C Schengen visas are valid for only 90 days within any 180-day period, type D Schengen visas allow for stays exceeding 90 days.

Purposes of entry: Type C Schengen visas are for short-term plans such as tourism, family visits, or business trips. In contrast, type D Schengen visas are intended for long-term plans such as pursuing studies, taking up employment abroad, and more.

Travel limitations: With a type C visa, you can travel freely across all Schengen countries. Meanwhile, Type D Schengen visa holders are generally restricted to one specific Schengen country (the one they applied for), with only temporary travel allowed within the Schengen Area.

In short: If you’re planning a short-term visit, a type C visa is the right choice. Otherwise, apply for a type D visa.

Schengen Visa Type D - Thao & Co.

Type D Schengen visa requirements

To qualify for a type D Schengen visa, you must meet several requirements:

  1. Valid passport: Your passport must be valid for at least 3 months beyond your planned departure from the Schengen Area.
  2. Proof of financial means: You must provide evidence that you have sufficient financial resources to cover all expenses during your stay.
  3. Health insurance: A medical insurance policy with coverage of at least €30,000 is required to cover any potential incidents during your stay in the Schengen Area.
  4. Study purposes: If you are coming for studies, you’ll need an official offer letter from your educational institution.
  5. Business purposes: If you’re coming for work, an employment agreement is required.
  6. • Additional documents: Depending on your circumstances, you may need to provide other relevant documents to support your purpose of entry and the expected duration of your stay.

How to apply for a type D Schengen visa?

The application process for a D type Schengen visa involves several key steps:

Prepare your documents

Gather all necessary documents, including your passport, visa photo, visa application form, and any other required paperwork specific to your situation.

Make appointments

Contact the Embassy or Consulate of the Schengen country you’re applying to and arrange appointments for both your application submission and visa interview.

Submit your application and attend the interview

Submit your application on the appointed date, and be ready for the interview. Make sure to prepare thoroughly to present your case confidently during the interview.

Wait for the final results

The visa processing time can vary depending on your circumstances. There is no fixed timeline for a decision. Hence, patience is key.

How much does a Type D Schengen visa cost?

The fees may vary depending on the visa type and which Schengen country you are applying for. Typically, fees for Schengen visas range from €60 to €100.

If you require extra services like document translation, those will incur additional charges.

Read more about the latest translation rates.

Trusted visa application translation services

Precise translation is crucial for visa approval. At Thao & Co., we have extensive experience in providing certified and notarized translations for visa applications.

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With our secure, proprietary platform, we ensure that your personal data and confidential documents remain protected from security risks.

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  1. • We guarantee 24-hour delivery for standard documents.
  2. • Our proprietary platform ensures the safety and confidentiality of your data and projects.
  3. • Our team of highly skilled linguists ensures precision for your translated documents.
  4. • We pride ourselves on top-quality service, transparent pricing, and reasonable rates.
  5. • We offer fast turnaround times to meet all your needs.

For more details, please contact us via our Get a Quote form below! We will get back to you within 24 hours.

Final thoughts

We hope this guide has provided you with a clearer understanding of the D type Schengen visa and its application process.

Best of luck with your visa application. Wish you an amazing and successful trip to the Old Continent! Bon voyage!

Source: Thao & Company
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