What is a Schengen Visa? Schengen Visa Application Process

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Are you preparing for your next trip? Wondering what a Schengen visa is or where it is used?

You’re in the right place! In this article, Thao & Co. explores the basics of a Schengen visa, including:

  1. • Definition
  2. • Eligibility requirements
  3. • Costs

Scroll down to find out!

What is a Schengen visa?

A Schengen visa lets foreign travelers move freely between 29 European countries in the Schengen area (also known as Schengen states).

It reduces document checks and facilitates border entry.

Where can you go with a Schengen visa?

A Schengen visa allows unrestricted travel among the countries in the Schengen area of the European Union, facilitating tourism and business trips.

To date, 29 countries belong to the Schengen state. They are:

  1. • Austria
  2. • Poland
  3. • Belgium
  4. • Portugal
  5. • The Czech Republic
  6. • Croatia
  7. • Denmark
  8. • Germany
  9. • Estonia
  10. • The Netherlands
  11. • Hungary
  12. • Greece
  13. • Iceland
  14. • Latvia
  15. • Liechtenstein
  16. • Lithuania
  17. • Luxembourg
  18. • Malta
  19. • Norway
  20. • French
  21. • Finland
  22. • Slovakia
  23. • Slovenia
  24. • Spain
  25. • Sweden
  26. • Switzerland
  27. • Italy
  28. • Bulgaria
  29. • Romania
Schengen Visa Application Process - Thao & Co.

How can you apply for a Schengen visa?

You will need:

A valid passport

Your passport should be valid for at least 3 months after the date you intend to leave the Schengen area. Make sure to leave at least two blank pages for the visa and entry/exit stamps.

Purpose of stay

Travelers need to clarify their reasons for traveling and provide corresponding evidence.

This can include invitation letters from relatives or companies, as well as booking confirmations.

Proof of financial means

Travelers must be able to support themselves during their stay without engaging in unauthorized work.

All valid financial documents, such as bank statements and income verification letters, are necessary.

A plan to return home

Travelers must provide evidence of intention to leave the Schengen area before their visas expire.

This evidence can include return flight tickets and any other valid documents detailing their travel itinerary post-departure from the Schengen states.

Travel insurance

Certain Schengen countries mandate valid travel insurance covering medical needs and other emergencies.

Latest Schengen visa cost

Costs vary depending on your destination and type of visa. Here are the standard fees for two types of the Schengen visa:

Short-stay visa (for tourism)

The standard Schengen visa fee is:

  1. €90 for adults
  2. €45 for children between the ages of 6 to 12.

This fee is the same across all Schengen countries.

Long-stay visa (for work and study)

Long-stay visas for work or study, as well as other types of Schengen visas, may have different fees.

This is due to local regulations of the Schengen country you plan to travel to.

Service costs

An additional fee may apply if you use additional services or go through a visa application center.

Travel insurance costs

Travel insurance is required for all Schengen visa applications. Make sure the travel insurance plan you choose provides medical coverage up to €30,000.

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Where to Find a Trustworthy Schengen Visa Translation Service?

Your Schengen visa application and supporting documents should be held to the highest translation quality. Choose Thao & Co. translation company today for the excellence you deserve:

High-quality service

Over the years, we have established ourselves as a top-notch legal translation provider. Our linguists are not only language experts but also well-versed in the Schengen visa application process.

Our efficient and professional workflow allows us to deliver swift and accurate translations, increasing your success in applying for visas.

A wide range of languages available

Thao & Co. offers certified and notarized translation services in many languages, from popular languages like:

  1. English
  2. French
  3. German
  4. Russian
  5. Spanish

to less common languages such as:

  1. Khmer
  2. Thai
  3. Polish
  4. • and 50+ other languages

Accuracy and reliability

Thao & Co.’s proprietary platform for translation management adheres to the highest standards of legal translation, ensuring precise translations for your visa application.


Thao & Co. guarantees total confidentiality through stringent Non-Disclosure Agreements. We are committed to safeguarding your data, ensuring all personal information remains confidential.

Contact us today for a complimentary quotation and detailed consultation!

Key takeaways

We hope that you now have a clear overview of the Schengen visa, including what it is, what is required for an application, and how much it may cost.

Choose Thao & Co. for professional translations of your application and supporting documents.

Have more questions about the Schengen visa? Get in touch with Thao & Co. today!

Source: Thao & Company
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