Latest Multilingual SEO Content Writing Prices

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Leave all your worries at the door: Thao & Co. provides multilingual SEO copywriting services at the most competitive prices. Good content can enhance cross-cultural communication.

Scroll down and explore the prices of SEO content writing services today.

How are SEO content services priced?

There isn’t a standard price because many factors are taken into account:

  1. • The complexity of the topic
  2. • Article length
  3. • Target keywords
  4. • Other specific requirements

You may need to pay between:

  1. 200,000 – 500,000 VND (8 – 20 USD) for a 1000-word article in Vietnamese
  2. 500,000 – 1,000,000 VND (20 – 40 USD) for a 1000-word article in English

These are only suggested rates. Actual SEO content writing prices may vary due to other factors such as the complexity of the topic and specific target keywords. If you need a translated version, the translation cost typically increases by 20 to 50 percent for each additional language.

For example, an article priced at 300,000 VND in Vietnamese may cost 450,000 VND once translated into English. Specific instructions and language pairs also affect the price.

Multilingual content writing package

SEO content writing prices - Thao & Co.

To cater to the globalization needs of businesses, various multilingual content writing services are available today. Standard packages typically involve creating original content in one language and translating it into various languages.

The prices often depend on the number of articles produced. For example:

  1. • A Vietnamese content writing package may range from 3 million to 7 million VND for 10 articles.
  2. • An English content writing package may fall between 5 million to 10 million VND for 10 articles.

SEO content writing package

For businesses aiming to enhance their digital market presence, investing in quality SEO content is indispensable.

An SEO content writing service provides high-quality articles that are optimized for search engines to achieve a high ranking on their result pages. To create quality content that attracts both readers and search engines, don’t forget to:

  1. Research for keywords
  2. • Analyze your competitors
  3. • Structure your post in a logical way

The complexity of SEO techniques can result in SEO articles being up to 15% more expensive than standard articles – from 230,000 to 575,000 VND for a 1000-word article. A writing package can save you up to 10% compared to paying for individual articles.

Investing in the right SEO content writing package will improve your website’s performance and help foster a strong connection with your prospective customers.

PR and advertising content writing package

The optimal approach to promotion on the digital market today is a PR and advertising content writing package. A quality article doesn’t just attract user attention: it also helps your brand build trust and connect with your customers, which are solid foundations for successful marketing campaigns.

The price for one PR article usually ranges from 300,000 to 600,000 VND.

Let our creative specialists do the heavy-lifting for you and deliver convincing PR articles.

From brainstorming to writing, Thao & Co.’s focus on each step in the process helps ensure clear and efficient communication. Don’t miss out on our PR and advertising content writing package!

Social Media content writing package

Engaging content is essential to capture users’ attention in the dynamic and diverse world of social media. A social media content writing package will help promote your brand on different platforms, including:

  1. • Facebook
  2. • Instagram
  3. • Twitter
  4. • LinkedIn
  5. • Tiktok

For each 300-word post (images and videos not included), the price may range between 150,000 and 500,000 VND. Long-term services may include scheduling and creating multimedia content for your posts as well.

Thao & Co. is highly specialized in social media content: Each text is prepared with great care to accurately reflect the core values and identity of your brand.

We are also skilled in the production of images, videos, and other multimedia content that make your brand stand out. Trust us to deliver your message concisely and persuasively.

Social media - Thao & Co.

E-commerce content writing package

An e-commerce content writing package is essential for your product to thrive in a digital sea full of competition. A specialized package helps:

  1. • Ensure high-quality articles
  2. • Drive user engagement
  3. • Increase conversion rates
  4. • Improve discoverability
  5. • Foster trust and customer loyalty

An e-commerce content writing package is the ideal solution to boost your sales and build your brand identity online. Current SEO content writing prices in e-commerce fall between 250,000 and 500,000 VND for a 1000-word article, images and videos not included.

Choose Thao & Co. for your e-commerce content needs: our meticulous attention to detail ensures the delivery of everything from engaging product descriptions to compelling brand narratives.

We conduct extensive research to incorporate high-potential keywords into our articles, enhancing their visibility on e-commerce platforms.

ASO content writing package

ASO (App Store Optimization) is an essential in promoting mobile apps. A professional ASO content writing package can optimize app visibility and attract more users on App Store and Google Play.

Prices may vary considerably depending on specific requirements from clients, normally ranging from 300,000 to 550,000 VND for a 1000-word article, excluding graphics.

An ASO content package helps:

  1. • Boost your app ranking and increase conversion rates
  2. • Create a strong foundation to promote your business and make your product stand out in a highly competitive market.

Entrust Thao & Co. with your ASO content needs: we analyze and select high-potential keywords that can improve your app visibility. Our app descriptions aren’t just engaging: they also accurately describe your app features and how users can benefit from them.

How can I choose an SEO content writing service that fits my budget?

Finding the right balance between quality and budget when selecting an appropriate service can be challenging. To help you make an informed decision, here are some of our tips for strategically planning your budget.

  1. Know what you need: This is the first step in choosing a service that suits your budget without compromising quality.
  2. Market research: Compare rates and offers from different providers.
  3. Feel free to negotiate for the best price: But remember that price alone shouldn’t be your only focus – the true value of the service is what’s most important.
  4. Avoid settling for “the cheapest offer”: At times, a service that appears costly may offer additional benefits, ultimately leading to greater savings in the long term.
  5. Rating and feedback: Read through past reviews to have a better grasp of the service quality.

Choosing the right service demands careful consideration and attention. By adopting the appropriate strategy, you can strike a balance between quality and expense.

Get a Quote for SEO Content Writing Services at Thao & Co.

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Looking to boost your website ranking with high-quality SEO content? Look no further: Thao & Co. is your one-stop shop for all your content writing needs.

Our quotes are flexible and competitive – tailored to meet your specific needs and budgets. Writing for SEO isn’t just about mechanically inserting keywords. Your content should also engage and captivate your audience.

At Thao & Co. translation company, our team of specialists are highly specialized in:

  1. • Applying efficient optimization strategies.
  2. • Keeping our strategies up-to-date with Google’s latest algorithm changes.
  3. • Providing content that both search engines and readers appreciate.

Get a steady flow of visitors and expand your customer base now! With our leading SEO content writing services, your brand can outperform your competitors and achieve your business goals.

Leave your contact to receive our detailed SEO content writing prices free of charge. Optimize your content and boost your website ranking today.

Source: Thao & Company
Professional Translation and Localization Services in Vietnam
Where Precision Meets Quality Standards
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Let us know how we can help!
Our industries
We provide accurate translations of items such as clinical instructions, medical records, articles, product labels and questionnaires.
Advertising + Marketing
Get your message across in any language when we translate your informational materials, instructions and simple promotional content.
Banking + Finance
As you tap new markets, we can translate sales materials, emails, job applications, CVs, legal documents, and entire banking/trading platforms and apps.
Get fast, precise translation of legal documents, contracts, memos, emails and other forms of communication.
Real Estate + Construction
Our translators have sufficient familiarity with architecture, construction, real estate and civil engineering to help translate relevant documents.
Retail + E-commerce
If you’re selling to global markets, let us translate your sales materials, company announcements and meeting minutes for your international partners.
Travel + Tourism
We can provide general translation of content for internal communications and customer-facing text for hotels, restaurants, travel guides and more.
Relying on our experience translating films, plays and commercials, we give careful attention to word selection and meaning in every project.
Automotive + Aerospace
Look to our specialized linguists to translate and localize user guides, CAD drawings, repair manuals and business contracts.
Get precise translation of technical terminology whether for instructions, safety, quality control or regulatory compliance.
Explore new markets for your games once we translate the rules, instructions, storyline, dialog, graphics and technical details.
Empower global education with our translation and localization services. Available for academic transcripts, diplomas, degrees, certificates, websites, apps, and more.
Our expert localization services are here to get your tech materials, websites, apps, software and other digital products into new markets.
Ready to take the next step? Tell us about your project.

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