Vietnam Adoption Documents Checklist – Latest Updates

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Adopting a child from Vietnam as a foreigner involves navigating a complex system of paperwork and legal requirements. Understanding the regulations and meticulously preparing your application is crucial for a smooth and successful adoption journey.

Let Thao & Co. guide you through:

  1. • The legal regulations on adoption in Vietnam
  2. • Vietnam adoption document checklist
  3. • Adoption application sample and important notes

Requirements for Vietnam adoption documents

The process of intercountry adoption in Vietnam involves complex regulations. Documents must meet all legal requirements of adoption to be accepted and processed.

General requirements:

  1. • All documents must be valid and free from any alterations.
  2. • Photo must be taken within the last 6 months.
  3. • Documents such as the Criminal Record Certificate and Health Check Certificate should be issued within 12 months.
  4. • Signatures and seals on foreign documents must be registered with Vietnamese foreign affairs departments.
  5. For non-designated adoptions, the applicant’s nationality must belong to a country that is a member of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption.
  6. • Documents demonstrating the child’s origins and eligibility for adoption.
  7. • Document showing reasonable efforts were made but a domestic adoptive family could not be found.
  8. • Documents proving that the adoptive parent has the moral quality, health, and financial capacity to nurture the child
  9. • Written consent of all related parties
  10. • All documents in foreign languages must undergo consular authentication and notarized translation into Vietnamese.

Vietnam adoption documents checklist for foreigners

Vietnam Adoption: Documents Checklist - Thao & Co.

To apply for an intercountry adoption in Vietnam, you need to prepare 02 identical sets of documents. The specific documents required vary depending on the applicant’s residency status.

For applicants residing abroad

The dossier must include:

  1. • A written request for adoption;
  2. • A copy of your passport or valid ID;
  3. • A written permission to adopt a child from Vietnam;
  4. • Psychological and family assessment report or equivalent document (issued within the last 12 months)
  5. • Health certificate;
  6. • Proof of income and assets
  7. Criminal record check;
  8. • A written certification of marital status.

For applicants residing in Vietnam

The dossier is simplified, but must still include these mandatory documents:

  1. • A written request for adoption;
  2. • A copy of your passport, valid national ID, or other alternative documents;
  3. • Criminal record check;
  4. A written certification of marital status;
  5. • Health certificate issued by a district-level medical agency or higher;
  6. • Documents confirming family circumstances, housing situation, and financial status (except when the adoptive parent is a step-parent or relative).

For adopting a specific child

In this case, additional documents are required, such as:

  1. • A copy of your marriage certificate (for stepparents);
  2. • Proof of kinship with the to-be-adopted child (for relatives);
  3. • A written permission for child adoption in another country;
  4. • Documents proving that the to-be-adopted child has specific medical conditions falling under current adoption regulations (if applicable);
  5. • A certificate confirming that the prospective adopter is a foreigner who has studied or worked in Vietnam for at least 1 year.

Important note: Except for the written request for adoption, all other documents must be issued by competent authorities in your home country.

Documents checklist for the to-be-adopted child

3 sets of documents are required for the child being adopted, with each set containing the following:

  1. Birth certificate;
  2. • Health certificate issued by a district-level medical agency or higher;
  3. • 02 formal full-body photos taken within the past 06 months;
  4. • Documents describing the child’s personality, interests, habits, and noteworthy health conditions (except for step-parent adoptions);
  5. • Documents showing reasonable efforts were made but a domestic adoptive family could not be found, which include:
    • ○ An official confirmation from the Department of Justice, accompanied by relevant documents;
    • ○ An official confirmation from the Child Adoption Department stating that the period for finding a domestic adoptive family has ended but a domestic adoptive family could not be found.
  1. Additional documents specific to the child’s situation:
    • For abandoned children: A written confirmation from the commune-level People’s Committee or Public Security;
    • For orphaned children: Death certificate or court ruling confirming the passing of the child’s parents;
    • For children with missing birth parents: Court ruling declaring the biological parents as missing;
    • For children with birth parents who have lost their civil act capacity: Court ruling declaring the biological parents as legally incapacitated;
    • For children residing in care facilities: Decision to admit the child to the care facility.

Important notes:

  1. • If the to-be-adopted child is currently living with their family, the biological parents or legal guardian are responsible for preparing the application and confirming the child’s address.
  2. • If the to-be-adopted child is currently living in a care facility, the facility is responsible for preparing the application and confirming the child’s status.

Sample documents for intercountry adoption in Vietnam

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The sample documents for a standard adoption dossier in Vietnam are listed below.

Important note:

  1. • You will also need to submit consular authentication and notarized translation for all foreign documents in the dossier.
  2. • The authorities may require additional documents depending on your circumstances. Contact Thao & Co. for a personalized consultation.
No.Name of document
1Written request for intercountry adoption (Vietnamese – English)
2Written request for adoption of step-children/biological niece or nephew (Vietnamese – English)

Where to submit Vietnam adoption documents?

The submission process for adoption applications in Vietnam differs based on whether it’s a designated or non-designated adoption.

For the adoption of a non-identified child

Submit your application through an authorized adoption organization in your home country.

Important note:

  1. • The adoption organization must be licensed to operate in Vietnam and authorized to submit applications to the Child Adoption Department.
  2. • Your country must have an international agreement on intercountry adoption with Vietnam (The Hague Adoption Convention).
    Check out the list of countries

If no such organization exists in your country, you can submit your application to your country’s Embassy or Consulate in Vietnam. Your documents will then be forwarded to the Child Adoption Department, Ministry of Justice.

You might be interested in: A Detailed Guide to the Intercountry Adoption Process in Vietnam

For the adoption of a specific child

Submit your documents directly to the Ministry of Justice.

  1. • Address: 58-60 Tran Phu Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  2. • Business hours: Monday to Friday, from 7:300 to 17:00 (Lunch break: 11:30 to 13:00).

The to-be-adopted child’s dossier must be submitted to one of the following agencies:

  1. The Department of Justice at the child’s permanent residency;
  2. The Justice Department of the People’s Committee at the child’s permanent residency.

If you are currently not in Vietnam, you can submit your documents via two methods:

  1. • Write an authorization letter to let a relative submit the documents on your behalf;
  2. • Send your documents by registered mail.

For foreign nationals residing in Vietnam, both sets of documents should be submitted to the Department of Justice of the province where the child resides.

Reputable adoption support service providers in Vietnam

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The journey of adopting a child can be challenging, especially for foreigners navigating language barriers and unfamiliar legal procedures. A well-prepared application can significantly ease this process.

Consider having a “local guide” to accompany you through the whole journey. Thao & Co. can be the companion you are looking for!

Here’s how Thao & Co. can help you navigate the adoption process with ease and confidence:

  1. 💲 Free Consultation and Transparent Pricing
  2. We offer free initial consultations and provide clear, upfront pricing for all our services.
  1. ️🎯 Extensive Experience in Adoption Procedures
  2. Our team possesses in-depth knowledge and practical experience in handling intercountry adoption cases.
  1. 🗂 Comprehensive Application Assistance for Foreign Nationals
  2. We provide dedicated support in compiling, reviewing, and finalizing your application documents.
  1. 👥 Expert Team of Native Linguists and Legal Professionals
  2. Our team comprises experienced Vietnamese translators and legal experts who are well-versed in adoption laws and regulations.
  1. 🌐 Multilingual Translation Services
  2. We offer professional translation services from 50+ languages into Vietnamese.
  1. Fast and Efficient Legalization and Notarization
  2. We facilitate swift legalization and notarization of your documents, ensuring compliance with all requirements.
  1. 🔒 Unwavering Confidentiality
  2. We prioritize the privacy and security of your information with strict adherence to Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).

With our expertise and unwavering commitment, we are here to guide you through every step of the adoption process in Vietnam.

“Every journey begins with a single step.” Don’t hesitate to take the first steps – Thao & Co. is right by your side.

Contact us for a prompt consultation within 24 hours.

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Source: Thao & Company
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