A Complete Guide on Work Permit Vietnam Criminal Record

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When applying for a work permit in Vietnam, a criminal record certificate is a mandatory document. But what exactly is a criminal record certificate for work permit in Vietnam? What are the requirements to get work permit Vietnam criminal record? How does the application process go? Check out this comprehensive guide to find out the answers.

What is a work permit Vietnam criminal record?

A Vietnam work permit for foreigners is an official document issued by the Ministry of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs. This permit grants foreign workers the legal right to work in the country and ensures they receive legitimate rights and protections under Vietnamese law.

A Vietnamese criminal record certificate, also known as a police clearance certificate, is issued by either provincial-level Departments of Justice or the National Center for Judicial Records. This document verifies the applicant’s criminal history in Vietnam for the duration of their residence.

There are two types of Vietnamese police certificates. For work permit applications in Vietnam, foreign workers must obtain Police Certificate No. 1.

Requirements for work permit Vietnam criminal record

To be eligible for a Vietnam criminal record check, foreigners must:

  1.  ● Prove current or past legal residence in Vietnam for over 6 months
  2.  ● Provide all necessary documents during the application process
Work Permit Vietnam Criminal Record _ Thao & Co.

In addition, it is crucial to remember certain key regulations regarding the criminal record for Vietnam work permit application:

  1.  ● The criminal record must be issued within no more than 6 months by the date of application for a Vietnam work permit.
  2.  ● Foreigners who have yet to enter Vietnam or have stayed in the country for less than 6 months must return to the country of nationality and obtain a police certificate there.
  3.  ● Translation of criminal records into Vietnamese and notarization is required to ensure their legal validity.

The complete dossier to obtain a work permit Vietnam criminal record

To apply for a police certificate in Vietnam, foreigners must first prepare the following documents:

  1.  ● A declaration requesting the issuance of a police clearance certificate
  2.  ● Valid passport
  3.  ● If you authorize someone else to submit your documents on your behalf, you must also provide a certified copy of the power of attorney (unless that person is your legal parent, spouse, or child)
  4.  ● Notarized copy of the certificate of temporary residence
  5.  ● Documents proving the exemption or reduction of fees for issuing police checks (if applicable)

Vietnam criminal record application process

The process of applying for a police certificate in Vietnam consists of the following steps:

  1.  ● Step 1: Submit your complete application dossier to the Justice Department in your locality
  2.  ● Step 2: Pay the application fees
  3.  ● Step 3: Wait for approval

To save time, you can also submit your application online by following these steps:

  1.  ● Step 1: Access the local public service portal  (domain name in English https://dichvucong.localname.gov.vn.), then click on the “dịch vụ công trực tuyến” (online public service) tab.
  2.  ● Step 2: Register and log into the system
  3.  ● Step 3: Click on the “thủ tục hành chính” (administrative procedures) tab, and search the keyword “lý lịch tư pháp” (police check)
  4.  ● Step 4:  Select the “Cấp phiếu lý lịch tư pháp cho người nước ngoài” (Issuing police check for foreigners in Vietnam) section and press the button that says “Nộp hồ sơ” (Submit application)
  5.  ● Step 5: Fill out the declaration form and upload all necessary documents.
  6.  ● Step 6: Pay the required fees.
  7.  ● Step 7: Wait for approval.

Converting foreign driving licenses is also necessary for you to operate a vehicle in Vietnam. It is advisable to learn more about this procedure to enjoy a lawful stay in the country.

Fees and processing time for Vietnam criminal record application

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The fee for the police check issuance procedure in Vietnam (both online and in-person submission) is 200,000 VND/check/person. However, the Vietnamese government has implemented fee-reduction policies for certain individuals:

  1. ● Students, relatives of martyrs, and people with meritorious services to the revolution: 100,000 VND/check/person
  2. ● Individuals who can obtain a police check for free: senior citizens, children, those officially recognized as economically disadvantaged, disabled individuals, ethnic minorities residing in low-living standard communes

Important: In case you request more than two copies of your criminal record, an additional cost of 5,000 VND/check will be applied from the 3rd check onward. The processing time is within 10 to 15 business days from the date of approved submission.

Important considerations for expatriates in Vietnam

For work permit applications in Vietnam, foreign police certificates (obtained outside of Vietnam) must be translated and notarized, or undergo consular legalization, to be considered valid. Additionally, other documents in your work permit application must be translated into Vietnamese. Such documents include:

  1.  ● Health examination certificates obtained within the last 12 months
  2.  ● Employment contracts or agreements
  3.  ● Degrees, certificates, or experience certifications
  4.  ● Letters of appointment or transfer within multinational companies
  5.  ● Documents proving the foreign employee’s competence for the expected position

Accurate notarized translation services for criminal records and other documents are essential for a smooth Vietnam work permit application process. Inaccurate translations or errors in notarization or consular legalization can lead to rejected applications and delays.

To avoid these complications, using a reputable translation service experienced in handling Vietnamese work permit documents is highly recommended.

Professional translation services in Vietnam

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If you are in need of a reliable translation company, Thao & Co. can be your trusted partner. Our expert linguists are well-versed in legal translation and committed to delivering top-notch translations for all kinds of documents.

By choosing Thao & Co., you can expect:

  1.  ● Fast and accurate notarized translation services with a 48-hour turnaround time
  2.  ● Free consultations with experts in the legal field
  3.  ● Translation for over 50 languages, including English, Russian, French, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and many more.
  4.  ● Accurate translations done by professional linguists
  5.  ● Prompt and transparent quotation
  6.  ● Convenient notarization and consular legalization service packages
  7.  ● A complementary Thao & Co.’s Certification of Translation Accuracy
  8.  ● Thao & Co.’s proprietary platform for easy payment status check, progress tracking, and file management

Don’t let the unfamiliar procedures overwhelm you. Thao & Co. is here to provide impeccable translations for your legal documents and help you navigate through every step of the process.

Leave your information on our Get a Quote page or contact us via our hotline to receive a personalized quotation for your translation needs.

Source: Thao & Company
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