How to Add Subtitles in a YouTube Video in 3 Simple Ways

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Adding subtitles to your YouTube videos is a fantastic way to make your content accessible to a wider audience, including viewers who speak different languages or have hearing impairments. That’s why it’s important to get it right.

How to add subtitles in a Youtube video

YouTube makes it easy to add subtitles by allowing you to upload subtitle files directly to your videos. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Log into your YouTube account.

Step 2: In the top right corner, click on your profile picture.

Step 3: Select “YouTube Studio” from the dropdown menu.

Step 4: Click “Subtitles.”

Step 5: Click on the video you would want to add subtitles to.

Step 6: Select subtitle language.

Step 7: Click on “Add” (in the “Subtitles” column).

Step 8: You have two options here. To use an existing subtitle file, click “Upload file.”

Step 9: Format the subtitles as needed.

Step 10: Once everything looks good, click “Publish” to finish.

YouTube supports various subtitle file formats, including .SRT, .SUB, and .SCC.

How to make subtitles directly on YouTube

If you don’t have a subtitle file handy, no worries – you can easily add subtitles manually.

The process is quite similar to the steps outlined earlier, but with a slight change at step 8. Instead of uploading a file, you’ll choose “Type manually.”

Here’s how to proceed from there:

  1. Step 1: Type your first subtitle line and adjust the timing so it syncs perfectly with the video.
  2. Step 2: Click “+ Caption” in the top left corner. This will save your current subtitle and create a new line for the next one.
  3. Step 3: Repeat the process until you’ve added all the subtitles. Once you’re done, click “Publish.”

Pro tip: You can tick on the “Pause while typing” to ensure your subtitles are accurately timed.

How to add subtitles in a YouTube video - Thao & Co.

How to add subtitles in a YouTube video of someone else’s channel

You can also create subtitles for videos on other channels, thanks to YouTube Studio’s “Subtitle Editor” feature. This tool was introduced in a recent update, making it easier to contribute subtitles to other creators’ content.

However, you’ll need permission from the video owner to get started.

The video owner will need to follow these steps to grant you access:

  1. Step 1: Go to YouTube Studio
  2. Step 2: On the left panel, click “Settings.”
  3. Step 3: Open the “Permissions” tab.
  4. Step 4: Click “Invite,” then enter the email address, and set the access level to “Subtitle Editor.”
  5. Step 5: Click “Done” then “Save” to send the invitation.

Once you accept the invitation, you’ll be able to manually type subtitles or upload a subtitle file, just like you would for your own videos.

Key tips for adding subtitles to a YouTube video

Creating subtitles for a YouTube video is a skill that requires both language expertise and technical know-how.

Keep these important tips in mind to ensure your subtitles are effective and user-friendly:

  1. Keep it concise: Aim for a maximum of 120 characters per line to keep viewers from getting distracted. On the flip side, avoid overly short lines that can break up the flow and make reading difficult.
  2. Choose your words carefully: Simply transcribing speech into text isn’t enough. Subtitles should accurately reflect the context, considering things like the characters’ relationships and personalities.
  3. Use the right terminology: If your video covers specialized topics like healthcare, technology, or law, it’s essential to use the correct terms and jargon. This ensures the content remains accurate and credible.
  4. Follow YouTube’s guidelines: Make sure to adhere to YouTube’s community guidelines, especially regarding copyright and appropriate content.
  5. This means avoiding offensive language and ensuring your subtitles don’t violate any rules, which could lead to your content being removed.
  6. Master subtitling tools: Effective subtitling also requires a good command of YouTube’s subtitling features. Take the time to learn the platform’s tools so you can create subtitles that are clear and well-timed.

Professional Multilingual YouTube Subtitle Translation Service

Quality YouTube subtitles are essential for helping viewers quickly grasp the main points with ease. Poorly made subtitles, on the other hand, can be a major distraction.

If you need reliable YouTube subtitle translation services, partnering with a professional agency is your best bet.

Translation Services - Thao & Co.

Consider Thao & Co.’s top-notch YouTube subtitle translation service. We offer translations in over 50 languages, covering both common and rare ones.

🔸 English

🔸 Chinese

🔸 Korean

🔸 Russian

🔸 French

🔸 And more

For years, Thao & Co. has been the trusted choice for clients worldwide, thanks to our commitment to quality:

  1. ▶️ Accurate translations: Our translations are 100% human-generated, ensuring precise grammar, wording, slang, and even regional vocabulary nuances.
  2. ▶️ Content integrity: We guarantee that the original meaning, emotions, and story are fully preserved in the translated subtitles.
  3. ▶️ Visual effectiveness: Our subtitles are perfectly synced with characters’ lines and formatted with appropriate colors and sizes for optimal readability.
  4. ▶️ Strict confidentiality: Your data and video content are safeguarded by Non-Disclosure Agreements, ensuring complete privacy.
  5. ▶️ Proprietary platform: Our dashboard optimizes file management and keeps you updated on your project’s progress.

At Thao & Co., your trust is our priority. Share your videos with us, let us know your requirements, and we’ll deliver results that exceed your expectations.

Leave your information in the Get a Quote form for prompt consultation on our excellent YouTube subtitling services.

Source: Thao & Company
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