Professional Medical Report Translation Services

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Medical report is a highly complex document laden with terminologies. Therefore, should you be in the market for a professional medical report translation service, it is advisable to pick one that can adequately handle healthcare-related documents and the nuances that come with it. 

What is Medical Report Translation?

Medical report (or health report) is a document detailing a patient’s treatment process at a medical institution. Information included in a health report: patient’s name, place of residence, occupation, medical history, diagnoses, test results, medications, etc.

Translating a medical report means converting its content from the original language to another one per the client’s request. Given the negative, potentially fatal, consequences that could arise from mistranslation, this task must be carried out with utmost accuracy, leaving no room for error. Hence, translators must not only possess extensive linguistic skills but also an in-depth understanding of the medical field.

Additionally, if the medical report translation is intended to be used to apply for a visa, work permit, or any other administrative procedure, it will need to have certified translations to ensure legal validity.

When do Medical Reports need to be translated?

Medical report translation is essential when the document is used for:

  1. ● Applying for a job
  2. ● Applying for a visa or a work permit
  3. ● Applying to study abroad
  4. ● Providing material for medical, pathological, and educational fields.
  5. ● Purchasing insurance in a foreign country
  6. ● Providing evidence for investigations in special circumstances
  7. ● Transferring the patient to an international treatment facility or a domestic one but with foreign doctors. 
  8. ● Other personal reasons
Medical Report Translation - Thao & Co.

Difficulties in medical report translation

Health certificates and medical reports translation is a challenging task with numerous obstacles such as: 

  1. ● Every detail including the patient’s name, type of drug, drug name, etc. must be meticulously translated
  2. ● The language style and tone employed are appropriate for the target audience (scientists, doctors, patients, etc.)
  3. ● Solid medical background knowledge is required
  4. ● Demand for precise translations of figures and industry-specific jargon
  5. ● The diversity of specialized vocabulary in each language such as when translating Chinese, English, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc.

With these challenges in mind, it is recommended that you pick a credible certified translation agency for the best results.

How to find the best Medical Translation Services?

Med Report Translation - Thao & Co.

Mistranslations in medical reports can render a research’s findings invalid or hinder a patient’s treatment process. As a result, only entrust your documents to a translation agency that meets the following requirements: 

  1. ● Has transparent and accurate contact information
  2. ● Has a team of adequately trained translators with relevant expertise 
  3. ● Has successfully handled many translation projects, especially those that deal with medical reports or healthcare in general. 
  4. ● Maintain stringent policies on project confidentiality
  5. ● Utilize a clear and logical working process that supports customers in interacting and tracking the project. 
  6. ● Provide reasonably priced services with a clear and detailed quote.

At Thao & Co. Translation Company, you can expect all of the above and more. With many years of active operation, we are proud to have been a trusted choice for thousands of customers, all of whom have chosen us for: 

  1. ● Translation of superior quality in both content and presentation
  2. ● A reliable team of seasoned translators working together passionately to provide precise medical translations that meet the industry’s standards.
  3. ● On-time translation delivery thanks to professional and optimized translation procedures
  4. ● Complete confidentiality for project-related and client’s personal information.
  5. ● A transparent and competitive pricing policy tailored to client’s requirements 
  6. ● A proprietary platform from Thao & Co. that allows for fast and uninterrupted communication with our translation team.

Constantly striving for perfection in our services, Thao & Co. guarantees to satisfy all of your needs. For further details on health report translation or related services at Thao & Co., please feel free to leave your contact information on our Get a Quote page. Our consultant will get back to you as soon as possible!

Source: Thao & Company
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