How to Translate Text from Image?

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The interconnected world has increased the demand for translating text from images. Besides professional translation services, you can also use image translation apps to get instant results for your image-based documents.

Don’t worry if you are new to this! Thao & Co. is here to share a list of user-friendly photo translation apps and a detailed instruction on how to translate text from image.

Apps to translate text from images

There is currently a wide selection of photo translation apps with many handy features. Below are the 3 most popular apps Thao & Co. would like to recommend.


iTranslate is considered one of the top photo translation and dictionary apps these days. This app is capable of translating text, websites, images, and voice messages. It is highly recommended for its image translation feature.


  1. ● Available on both iOS and Android
  2. ● Supports over 100 languages
  3. ● Provides fast translation and offers an offline mode
  4. ● Allows for easy sharing, storage, and favoriting of translations


  1. ● Struggles with understanding slang and jargon
  2. ● Premium features are locked behind a paywall.

Online OCR

OCR Online supports photo translation for many language pairs. It is highly rated for its fast image processing and translation. In addition, users can export high-quality translation files.


  1. ● Supports a large variety of language pairs
  2. ● Able to process a wide range of file formats: JPG, PNG, PDF, JPEG, GIF, etc.
  3. ● Provides fast results
  4. ● Allows users to export translations in TXT or DOC format


  1. ● Limited upload file size
  2. ● Does not have an offline mode
How to translate text from image - Thao & Co.


Waygo is another translation app used by many. With Waygo, you don’t need to enter your text manually as it can provide instant translation through its real-time photo translation feature.


  1. ● Supports both online and offline usage
  2. ● Minimalistic interface, quick translation results
  3. ● Highly accurate translation


  1. ● Only available on iOS
  2. ● Struggles with understanding specialized terminologies and idiomatic expressions. Translations require further editing.
  3. ● Only support common languages such as English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc.

How to translate text from image with Google Translate

Aside from the apps above, Google Translate is a good option when it comes to translating text from images. This program has a large number of users thanks to the variety of languages it supports and easy accessibility.

With advanced OCR technology, it can produce highly accurate translations of text from images. Here is an instruction on how to use Google Translate’s image translation feature.

  1. Step 1: Install the Google Translation app on your mobile device
  2. ● Step 2: Choose the source and target language, then tap the camera icon to allow access
  3. ● Step 3: Tap the gallery icon to upload an image from your device or point your camera at the text you want to translate to receive instant results.

If you don’t want to download the app, you can also use Google Translate on your computer to translate text from images.

  1. ● Step 1: Access
  2. ● Step 2: Choose the “Image” tab and select the source and target language
  3. ● Step 3: Upload a photo from your device or paste the link of any website to receive translation results
Google Translate - Thao & Co.

Evaluating photo translation apps

Photo translation apps have gained popularity thanks to their outstanding features. Nevertheless, the translations produced by these applications are still no substitute for the expertise of professional translators.


  1. ● Convenient and accessible on-the-go translation
  2. ● Useful for travel, business trips, quick references, etc.
  3. ● Eliminate the need for retyping text from images
  4. ● Reduce translation expenses


  1. ● Translations are not highly accurate
  2. ● Jargon, slang, or idiomatic expressions are not correctly translated.
  3. ● Translations can be too literal and incoherent, requiring careful editing
  4. ● Text recognition can be inaccurate, especially for small fonts and blurry images.

When to seek professional photo translation services?

When dealing with crucial documents that demand precise accuracy or multimedia content that requires a creative touch, it’s advisable to rely on a professional translation service provider for your image-based documents. These documents and materials can be:

  1. Personal documents
  2. Legal documents
  3. Medical documents
  4. Technical documents
  5. Marketing materials
  6. Brochures and catalogs
  7. ● etc.

Engaging professional translation agencies ensures you receive documents that are not only accurate but also well-formatted, adhering to the highest standards of quality and expertise.

These agencies also offer other language services to fulfill any of your translation needs. Another aspect distinguishing professional translation services from online applications is the implementation of stringent security measures by these services to protect your data against potential breaches.

The benefits of choosing Thao & Co.’s image translation services

Translation Services - Thao & Co.

Struggling to understand foreign text in documents or photos? Thao & Co. can help! We provide flawless image translations in over 50 languages, ensuring your message is clear and professional in any format (JPG, JPEG, PNG, etc.).

Our high-quality text and document translation services cater to various types of documents, including personal documents, business documents, tenders, legal documents, medical documents, and many more.

Never get lost in translation again! Thao & Co. delivers watertight accuracy across grammar, structure, word choice, and terminology. We ensure your message is legally compliant and crystal clear.

Maintain flawless layouts and top-notch visuals with our expert Desktop Publishing (DTP) team. We meticulously recreate your marketing materials, ensuring consistency with the original version and using only the highest quality images. All for a reasonable extra fee.

Besides precise translation, when choosing Thao & Co., you can experience a range of benefits:

  1. ● Expert guidance: Get in-depth consultations with our dedicated linguists to ensure your project is a success.
  2. ● Speed & reliability: Enjoy punctual delivery, with 24-hour turnaround for standard documents.
  3. ● Unmatched security: Rest assured your information is protected with our rigorous security policy.
  4. ● Seamless workflow: Manage your files and track progress effortlessly through Thao & Co.’s propriety platform.
  5. ● Confidence & convenience: Receive a complimentary Certificate of Translation Accuracy, with notarization/authentication available for an additional fee.

Photo translation apps can be handy for quick translations, but when it comes to legal documents, contracts, or anything with complex terminology, accuracy is paramount. That’s where Thao & Co. comes in.

With years of experience in the translation industry, our team of dedicated linguists meticulously handles every translation project. We offer detailed consultations, rigorous quality checks, and a user-friendly platform for seamless file management.

Worried about translation accuracy? Get a free quote and discover how Thao & Co. ensures top-notch translations for all your language needs.

Source: Thao & Company
Professional Translation and Localization Services in Vietnam
Where Precision Meets Quality Standards
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Our industries
We provide accurate translations of items such as clinical instructions, medical records, articles, product labels and questionnaires.
Advertising + Marketing
Get your message across in any language when we translate your informational materials, instructions and simple promotional content.
Banking + Finance
As you tap new markets, we can translate sales materials, emails, job applications, CVs, legal documents, and entire banking/trading platforms and apps.
Get fast, precise translation of legal documents, contracts, memos, emails and other forms of communication.
Real Estate + Construction
Our translators have sufficient familiarity with architecture, construction, real estate and civil engineering to help translate relevant documents.
Retail + E-commerce
If you’re selling to global markets, let us translate your sales materials, company announcements and meeting minutes for your international partners.
Travel + Tourism
We can provide general translation of content for internal communications and customer-facing text for hotels, restaurants, travel guides and more.
Relying on our experience translating films, plays and commercials, we give careful attention to word selection and meaning in every project.
Automotive + Aerospace
Look to our specialized linguists to translate and localize user guides, CAD drawings, repair manuals and business contracts.
Get precise translation of technical terminology whether for instructions, safety, quality control or regulatory compliance.
Explore new markets for your games once we translate the rules, instructions, storyline, dialog, graphics and technical details.
Empower global education with our translation and localization services. Available for academic transcripts, diplomas, degrees, certificates, websites, apps, and more.
Our expert localization services are here to get your tech materials, websites, apps, software and other digital products into new markets.
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