Cancel Work Permit in Vietnam: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Whether due to contract termination, permit expiration, or labor law violations, canceling work permit in Vietnam is an important step that can’t be overlooked.

Employers are required to complete this process within 15 days of ending the employment contract. Read on to discover the step-by-step procedures with Thao & Co.!

Cases to cancel work permit

Under Vietnamese laws, there are three key situations where canceling a work permit is mandatory:

1/ Invalid Vietnam work permit:

  1. 1. The foreign national’s work permit has expired.
  2. 2. The employment contract has been terminated by both parties.
  3. 3. There is a discrepancy between the employment contract and the issued work permit.
  4. 4. The foreign national is working in a role that doesn’t match the details specified in the work permit.
  5. 5. The foreign worker receives a formal notice from their home country regarding the termination of their employment in Vietnam.
  6. 6. The Vietnamese company, organization, or partner has ceased operations.
  7. 7. The contract serving as the basis for issuing the work permit, such as a service contract or a freelance contract, has been terminated or has expired.

2/ Violations of Decree 152/2020/ND-CP: The work permit must be canceled if either the employee or employer violates any provisions of this decree.

3/ Non-compliance with Vietnamese laws: Foreign nationals who engage in activities that threaten public order and security while working in Vietnam will have their work permit revoked.

Check out the latest regulations for foreign teachers working in Vietnam.

Cancel Work Permit in Vietnam - Thao & Co.

Application for foreigners to cancel work permit in Vietnam

To ensure a smooth work permit revocation process, employers must prepare the following documents:

  1. ● Original work permit of the foreign employee
  2. ● Original official letter clearly stating the reason for returning the work permit, certified by the company. (Template attached below)
  3. ● Documents to prove that the reason for work permit cancellation is valid.

If the work permit is revoked due to a legal violation, the competent authority will issue a revocation decision to the company. The responsible department will then follow the instructions to return the work permit as per the decision.

Where to submit the application to cancel work permit?

Applications should be submitted to the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs at the following locations in major cities:

1. Hanoi – Address: 75 Nguyen Chi Thanh Street, Lang Ha Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi

2. Ho Chi Minh City – Address: 159 Pasteur, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City

3. Da Nang – Address: 32 Tran Phu Street, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City

4. Hai Phong – Address: 48 Tran Phu Street, Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong City

5. Can Tho – Address: 149 Tran Hung Dao Street, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City

The latest sample official dispatch for work permit cancellation in Vietnam

To revoke a work permit, companies must submit a formal request for cancellation using the sample form provided below.

🔽 Download the sample official dispatch

Standard form for a work permit revocation application
Standard form for a work permit revocation application

According to the latest Vietnamese regulations, the work permit return decision should be completed using Form 13/PLI in Appendix I attached to Decree 152/2020/ND-CP.

🔽 Download the decision form

Cancel Work Permit in Vietnam - Thao & Co.
The work permit revocation decision form

Vietnam work permit cancellation procedures for foreigners

The following are 3 steps for returning a foreigner’s work permit upon expiration:

  1. Step 1: Within 15 days of the work permit’s expiration, the employer must collect the employee’s work permit and submit it to the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs.
  2. Step 2: Within 5 working days of submission, the relevant authorities will process the application and issue a written notification confirming the foreign worker’s work permit cancellation.
  3. Step 3: The employee follows the Ministry of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs guidelines to prepare documents for a new work permit application.

If the work permit is revoked due to legal violations, the enterprise must strictly follow the procedures outlined in the notification letter.

Important considerations for requesting work permit cancellation

When submitting a request for work permit revocation, the enterprise must provide an explanatory document along with supporting evidence to justify the reason for cancellation.

These documents must be truthful, accurate, and translated into Vietnamese if originally in a foreign language. It’s important that translations meet high standards of accuracy and professionalism in both content and format.

Looking for a reputable translation agency? Don’t hesitate to contact Thao & Co. for prompt and tailored assistance.

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We specialize in translating a wide range of documents, from criminal records to employment contracts. Our team of seasoned linguists covers over 50 languages:

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When you choose notarized translation services at Thao & Co., you can expect an exceptional experience, marked by our commitment to professionalism:

  1.  ✅ Skilled linguists: Our expert translators hold bachelor’s degrees in foreign languages from prestigious universities and possess international certificates.
  2.  ✅ Extensive expertise: With years of experience in legal translations, we ensure top-notch results tailored to your specific needs.
  3.  ✅ Efficient workflow: Using the most rigorous and effective strategies, we guarantee impeccable quality and timely delivery of your translations.
  4.  ✅ Competitive rates: We offer transparent pricing with no hidden fees.
  5.  ✅ Comprehensive services: Beyond translation, we also support you in navigating legalization and notarization procedures swiftly and precisely.
  6.  ✅ Real-time updates: With our proprietary platform, you can easily track project progress, access invoices, and exchange files at your convenience.

For more information on our translation services or inquiries related to Vietnam work permits, simply submit your request through our Get a Quote page for personalized support.

With a proven track record, Thao & Co. is committed to delivering top-tier services that exceed your expectations.

Source: Thao & Company
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