What is a Police Clearance Certificate – PCC Apostille? How to Find the Best Services

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As more and more people travel or settle in foreign countries, Police Clearance Certificates, also known as PCC apostille are in high demand.

Read on to learn more about PCC apostille service and make informed decisions during the application process.

What is a Police Clearance Certificate or PCC apostille?

Apostille is a type of certification that authenticates the stamps and signatures on documents issued by a government agency. This certification is issued in accordance with the Hague Convention and by the official department of foreign affairs of the country where the document originated.

A Police Clearance Certificate, or PCC, is a type of document that demonstrates an individual’s legal status or criminal records.

It is issued by the National Centre for Criminal Record under the Ministry of Justice or a provincial Department of Justice.

To sum up, a PCC apostille authenticates the seals and signatures on the document. An apostille ensures that a police clearance certificate is legally recognized in a foreign country.

According to current regulations, a police clearance certificate is valid for 6 months. Hence, a PCC apostille is also valid for 6 months counting from the date the police clearance certificate was issued.

Read more: Is Apostille valid in Vietnam?

Why do I need a PCC apostille?

A PCC apostille is commonly needed for:

  1. Studying abroad
  2. • Working abroad
  3. • When requested by the host country
  4. • Permanent settlement in a foreign country
  5. • International lawsuits
  6. • Marriage with a foreigner
  7. etc.

If one of the two countries is not a party to the Apostille Convention, your documents may require legalization instead.

Documents checklist for PCC apostille

PPC Apostille - Thao & Co.

To get a PPC apostille, you need to prepare the following documents:

  1. • The original copy of your police clearance certificate issued within past 6 months
  2. • Your ID card
  3. • A written request for apostille
  4. Notarized translation of your police clearance certificate into the required language
  5. Consular authentication of your documents (if the country of origin is not a contracting state to the Apostille Convention)

PCC apostille application process

Obtaining a PCC apostille typically involves 2 main steps.

Obtain a police clearance certificate

First, you need to apply for a police clearance certificate at an authorized agency. Instead of visiting the agency in person, you now have the option to complete the application online or through an official app.

A standard dossier for police clearance certificate application includes:

  1. • A written request for a police clearance certificate
  2. • Your ID card or passport
  3. • A copy of your household registration book or certificate of permanent/temporary residency

Important: Your police clearance certificate must be issued by the country where you currently reside and must be dated within the last six months.

Request an apostille certification

To get an apostille for your police clearance certificate, follow the steps below:

  1. Step 1: Prepare the required documents, including the original copy of your police clearance certificate.
  2. Step 2: Submit your documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and provide additional documents if required.
  3. Step 3: Once all the information on your documents has been verified, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will issue an apostille certification.
  4. Step 4: The documents along with the apostille certification will be returned to the applicant.

Read more: How to get an Apostille for birth Certificate

How long does it take to get a PCC apostille?

How long it takes to get your apostille depends on:

  1. • The processing time for a police clearance certificate application typically ranges from 7 to 15 days.
  2. • The processing time for an apostille typically ranges from 5 to 10 days.

Furthermore, these procedures may be extended if you need to revise your documents. Therefore, to save time, it is best to carefully prepare your dossier before submission.

Costs for PCC apostille

The total cost for PCC apostille includes:

  1. • Police clearance certificate fee:
    • ◦ Around $18/certificate (United States)
    • ◦ Additional fees may apply if using a third-party service.
  2. • The fee for apostille certification varies depending on the country where the application is made.
  3. For example, the apostille fee in the U.S. is $5 to $25 per document. If you authorize a service provider to apply on your behalf, you also need to pay service fees.

In sum, the total cost for PCC apostille ranges from $23 to $45.

Where to find trustworthy PCC apostille and translation services?

If you are unfamiliar with the administrative procedures, you can get help from PCC apostille service providers to save you time and effort.

At Thao & Co., we specialize in professional apostille and translation services designed to make your experience as seamless as possible.

Translation Services - Thao & Co.

Our team of native language experts is well-versed in managing legal documents and navigating local administrative procedures.

Whether you need a police clearance certificate translated, or you’re dealing with complex requirements, we guarantee accurate translations that meet all legal standards.

Here’s why clients trust Thao & Co.:

  1. • Expert translation services in over 50 languages, including rare and challenging language pairs.
  2. • PCC apostille applications handled by experts with experience in legal procedures
  3. Transparent workflow with 24/7 progress tracking via our proprietary platform
  4. • Detailed and prompt quotation with competitive pricing
  5. • Top-notch information security backed by NDAs.

Applying for an apostille certification can be challenging if you are not familiar with the requirements and procedures.

Thao & Co. offers notarized translation and a range of supporting services to help you streamline the process and achieve the results you need.

Have more questions about our PCC apostille services? Don’t hesitate to visit our Get a Quote page. We’re here to help!

Source: Thao & Company
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