Laravel Localization Made Easy: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

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Laravel localization (l10n) is a challenging task that often benefits from the expertise of a dedicated team of experienced specialists. If you’re looking to make Laravel localization easier, this article offers helpful tips and clear explanations. 

What is Laravel Localization?

Localization is the process of adapting software to suit different cultural contexts and languages, ensuring a more friendly experience for the end user. Localization goes beyond language, adjusting standards for units, graphics, and videos to create a tailored experience for each audience.

Laravel, a widely used PHP web framework, stands out for its emphasis on built-in software localization, making it easier to build multilingual applications from the ground up.

Setting up Laravel localization involves translating content into one or more languages. This simplifies the creation of multilingual apps and saves time and resources. This method enables developers to organize language strings neatly, ensuring the app seamlessly matches each user’s language preferences.

Tips for a smooth Laravel localization process

What is Laravel Localization? - Thao & Co.

A step-by-step approach takes the guesswork out of Laravel multilingual processing. Ready to make Laravel localization a breeze? Here are some powerful tips to guide you through the process.

1. Preparing the translation files

Before conducting localization, you need to prepare translation files such as JSON files. This is the process Thao & Co. Laravel experts swear by:

  1. ● Create a new resource directory for each language you want to support.
  2. ● Name each folder according to the ISO 639-1 language code (e.g. ‘en’ for English, ‘vi’ for Vietnamese)
  3. ● And to save the translation string, create a new file in each language folder and name it messages.php.

2. Multilingual configuration

Once you’ve finished setting up multilingual processing in Laravel, it’s time to configure the default language. Navigate to config/app.php to make this quick adjustment.

For those unexpected language gaps, Laravel offers a fallback plan. Use the fallback_locale configuration to specify alternative languages, ensuring your app always has a way to communicate effectively.

3. Switching language

For languages other than English, handling singular and plural string conversions correctly is essential for a natural user experience. Laravel’s built-in pluralization support currently covers French, Norwegian (Bokmål), Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish.

4. Identifying translation strings

Typically, translation strings are stored in files located in the lang directory. You can access the method Laravel uses to manage translation strings for built-in features, such as confirmation error messages such as:






Keep your language folders organized and universally recognizable by following the ISO 15897 naming convention. This standard ensures clarity and consistency, making it easier to manage and share multilingual content. For example: You should use “en_GB” for British English and “en_US” for American English.

Laravel also allows you to define translation strings using the “default” translation of the encryption.

5. Retrieving the translation strings

Using Laravel’s support function, you can extract translation strings from your language files. When using “short keys” to keep translation string names concise, Laravel’s __ function provides a neat way to link the file and key together. Simply use “dot” syntax to specify them.

Seamless translation and integration with Thao & Co.

While Laravel’s built-in localization features are powerful, navigating the complexities of adapting your app for different languages and cultures necessitates a team of skilled professionals. For a hassle-free and professional approach, consider partnering with translation agencies that offer integration assistance.

Thao & Co.’s dedicated team of Laravel localization specialists, comprising translators, linguists, and developers, ensures your app speaks every language fluently. 

Expand your reach effortlessly with Thao & Co.’s comprehensive Application, Software, Website, and Game localization services. We help your content resonate in new markets, attracting audiences faster. Reach deeper and resonate stronger with every market.

Thao & Company offers professional translation services for apps, software, websites, and games with technical support.

Our native linguists ensure culturally localized content that sparks connections and drives success. Thao & Co. delivers engaging, culturally-infused experiences that entice target customers and propel your enterprise to international success.

Streamline your workflow and maximize efficiency with Thao & Co.’s Customized Integration service. Our team of in-house developers flawlessly integrates high-quality translations and localized content into your website or software, ensuring cultural accuracy and optimal user engagement.

We ensure consistent design and layout standards, delivering a unified and intuitive experience for your global audience. Before reaching your audience, your globalized product undergoes rigorous scrutiny by our expert linguists. They ensure smooth cultural fit and intuitive usability, paving the way for a flawless and delightful user experience across languages.

Feeling overwhelmed by complex localization needs? Let Thao & Co. be your trusted guide. We offer professional translation and integration services that seamlessly unlock your globalization goals. Get a free quote today and discover how Thao & Co. can catapult your brand to international success.

Source: Thao & Company
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