How to differentiate types of US tourist visas B-1 and B-2?

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Not sure which visa to get for your trip to America? You’re in the right place. Read on to learn about different types of US tourist visas. Make sure you have all the documents for your visa application.

Types of US Tourist Visa: What Are They?

Whether you’re coming to the US for business or fun, you’ll need a visa. There are two types: non-immigrant visas for temporary visits and immigrant visas for permanent residency.

US tourist visas are non-immigrant visas. They’re categorized by the trip’s purpose: for business (B-1) or for recreational purposes (B-2). Usually, these are combined as a B-1/B-2 visa.

To apply for a US visa, you need at least 2 blank pages in your passport. Also, your passport must be valid for at least 6 months before you leave the United States.

US tourist visas don’t limit the number of entries. But the length of stay for each entry is specified on the visa. Keep in mind your designated duration to plan your trip.

B-1 vs. B-2 Visitor Visas Explained

US tourist visas come in 2 types. But what are the differences? And which is right for you? Let’s find out with Thao & Co.!

B-1 Temporary Business Visitor Visa

Definition: You may get a B-1 visa if you plan to participate in business activities in the US.

Common purposes:

  1. ● Consulting with business partners
  2. ● Attending scientific, educational, specialized or commercial conferences or seminars
  3. ● Addressing real estate issues
  4. ● Negotiating contracts

Visa validity: 12 months

Duration of stay: no more than 6 months

It’s best to avoid overstaying the duration you stated in your application form. Exceeding the stated duration can raise doubts about your travel intentions and jeopardize future visa approvals.

Additional considerations:

Bringing extra documents can strengthen your visa interview. These can show your genuine intention to return after your US trip.

For B-1 business visas, supplementary documents may include:

  1. ● Invitation letter from enterprises or agencies holding conferences, seminars
  2. ● Business plan
  3. ● Proof of your partnership with American partners
  4. ● Round-trip ticket
  5. ● Employment contracts
  6. ● Certificate of land use rights in Vietnam
  7. ● Saving books in Vietnam
B1/B2 Visa and What you need to know

B-2 tourist visa

Definition: The B-2 visa allows short-term stays in the US for activities like traveling and seeking medical treatment.

Commonly accepted purposes:

  1. ● Traveling
  2. ● Vacations
  3. ● Visiting family and friends
  4. ● Seeking medical treatment
  5. ● Attending social events
  6. ● Participating in events, musical or sports contests, etc.
  7. ● Enrolling in non-degree short-term courses

Visa validity: 12 months

Duration of stay: no more than 6 months

Avoid overstaying the time stated in visa interviews. Exceeding the stated duration can raise doubts about your travel intentions and jeopardize future visa approvals.

Additional considerations:

To increase your visa approval chances, provide extra documents showing your intention to leave the US after your visit.

Bring these documents to your visa interview:

  1. ● If you are a student, prepare your academic transcriptcertificates, and latest study results
  2. ● For visiting relatives, bring a photocopy of your green card, certificate of naturalization, valid visa, etc. of the visited relative(s)
  3. ● For previous US visitors: documents certifying settled status or visas
  4. ● If you previously overstayed a US visa, provide proof of USCIS-approved extensions.

If you intend to travel for medical treatment, prepare the following documents:

  1. ● Detailed diagnosis from your doctor and why you need treatment in the US
  2. ● Letter from the designated healthcare facility confirming your acceptance as a patient, expected treatment timeline, and cost estimate.
  3. ● Proof you can cover trip expenses in the US by with bank statements, hospital fee sponsorship letters

During your visa interview, the U.S. Department of State may request notarization of translated documents such as:

  1. ● Labor contract
  2. ● Bank statements
  3. ● Saving books, tax returns
  4. ● Marriage certificate
  5. ● Travel itinerary
  6. ● And others.
Notarized translation Marriage certificate example
Sample English Translation of Marriage Certificate

For accurate and stress-free visa applications, choose a reputable translation company with certified and notarized translation services. Contact Thao & Co. for top-notch translations (plus our free certificate of translation accuracy)!

Trust Thao & Co.‘s native linguists and rigorous processes for exceptional visa translations. Get your free quote and experience worry-free travel today!

Which type of US tourist visa is right for you?

Navigating US tourist visas can seem complex. Match your trip purpose with the corresponding visa category.

For detailed regulations in Vietnamese, head to the official website of the US Consulate in Vietnam. Once you’ve chosen the right visa, delve into the specific application procedures and required documents.

To maximize your chances of a successful US visa application, show your clear intention to leave after your trip, your ability to cover all expenses, and your strong ties to assets or family in your home country.

Show your intention to leave the US with a detailed travel plan and strong ties to your home country, like documents of valuable asset ownership.

Frequently asked questions about different types of US visitor visas

Have questions about US tourist visas? Check out our answers to these FAQs.

How long can you stay on a visitor visa?

B-1/B-2 visas have a 10-year validity period. Your authorized stay on each visit can be up to 6 months. The CBP officer at your port of entry decides your stay duration.

How much does a US tourist visa cost?

The current application fee for US visitor visas is 185 USD, which is approximately 4,440,000 VND.

Should I apply for a US tourist visa on my own?

Relying on third-party assistance for your visa application can raise concerns for consular officers. Many people choose to apply for US tourist visas on their own to:

  1. ● Take ownership of the process and having complete control over your application details
  2. ● Save money on application fees compared to using third-party visa services
  3. ● Gain in-depth knowledge of all visa requirements to navigate the process with confidence
  4. ● Master document preparation to enhance your interview skills and explain your application confidently.
  5. ●Present a well-prepared application to boost your approval chances.
    • ● Build transferable skills for other travel opportunities.
    • ● Avoid losing money and time to an untrustworthy agency.

    Applying independently can strengthen your application’s clarity and credibility, contributing favorably to the approval process.

    Is a tourist visa holder allowed to work in the US?

    US visitor visas are for short-term tourism or leisure purposes. Engaging in employment while holding a visitor visa is strictly prohibited.

    How long does it take to get approval for a U.S. tourist visa?

    Processing times for US tourist visas can range from one week to several months, depending on your location, appointment availability, and current application volume.

    Do documents for US tourist visa applications need to be translated into English?

    From Facebook groups to Reddit threads, the question “Do I need English translations for my visa interview?” haunts US travel communities.

    Most consular officers are proficient in your native language. But reading documents in unfamiliar languages can slow down the visa processing and potentially lead to misunderstandings. Due to time constraints, interviewers may not have the opportunity to fully review all documents. Visa interviews hold significant weight in the application process. Presenting English-translated documents is highly recommended.

    Ensure a smooth visa interview and leave a lasting impression with Thao & Co.’s certified English translations of your documents.

    1. ● Free consultation with our dedicated support team
    2. ● High-quality translations by native linguists with US visa expertise, ensuring accuracy and acceptance
    3. ● Rigorous process, transparent costs and no hidden fees
    4. ● Free Certificate of Translation Accuracy from Thao & Co.
    5. ● Hard copy and soft copy available on demand
    6. ● Thao & Co.’s proprietary platform allows you to easily monitor your project progress
    Thao & Co. professional Translation and Localization Services

    Get a personalized quote for your visa translations and unlock expert advice on navigating the process. Leave your information on our Get a Quote page today!

    Source: Thao & Company
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